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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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14 February 2000; Vol: 73 Iss: 3720
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14 Feb 2000 (blank)
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Vol 73 Iss: 3720
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Index Civil War: Union Troops West of the Mississippi pp. 30-31 United States: Postal History, MILITARY, CIVIL WAR Graham, Richard B.
Index French Airmail Stamp Pictures Couzinet Plane [Feb 12 2000] p. 1 FRANCE: Scott C63 anon
Index French Airmail Stamp Pictures Couzinet Plane [Feb 12 2000] p. 1 FRANCE: Scott C63 index41anon
Index Nearly Complete Old Album in Next Feldman Auction p. 1, 14 ITALY: Scott 23 Haeseler, Rob
Index U.S. Treasury Department Demands Details of North Korean Stamp Agency's U.S. Sales p. 1, 27 North Korea: DPRK Glen Stephens
Index New Eddie Rickenbacker Differences Easy to Spot p. 2 UNITED STATES: Scott 2998a Baadke, Michael
Index More Betsey Ross [letter] p. 4 UNITED STATES: Scott 1004 Ken Garrison
Index Focus on Forgeries United States 1876 3c Centennial Envelope Cut Square (die 1) Scot U218 and U219 p. 6 UNITED STATES: Scott U21-219, Forgeries and Counterfeits PSTyler, Varro E.
Index Propaganda Can Be Found on Foreign Covers p. 6 Postal History: PROPAGANDA Hotchner, John M.
Index Text Describes 1990s Celebrate Subjects p. 8 United States: Scott 3191 index42and43Baadke, Michael
Index 33c Love Plate-Number Code Contains a 'O' p. 9 UNITED STATES: Scott 3274, PLATE NUMBER Robert Rabinowitz
Index Postal Overseer Proposes Public Sale of USPS p. 10 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Albanian Post Controlled by Italy p. 11 AUSTRO-HUNGARY: Postal History, OFFICE, ALBANIA Robert E. Lana
Index Albanian Post Controlled by Italy p. 11 ITALY: Postal History, OFFICE, ALBANIA Robert E. Lana
Index Yves Saint Laurent [Jan 8 00], Hearts and Fairy-Tale Frog p. 12 FRANCE: Scott 2000|FRANCE: Scott 2000 index41Denise McCarty
Index Yves Saint Laurent, Hearts [Jan 13 00] and Fairy-Tale Frog p. 12 SWEDEN: Scott 2370-2371|SWEDEN: Scott 2370-2371 index41Denise McCarty
Index Yves Saint Laurent, Hearts and Fairy-Tale Frog [Jan 26 00] p. 12 IRELAND: Scott 1223-1226a|IRELAND: Scott 1223-1226a index41Denise McCarty
Index Cupid with Soap Bubble [Mar 6 00] p. 12 THEMATIC: ART Denise McCarty
Index Cupid with Soap Bubble [Mar 6 00] p. 12 LIECHTENSTEIN: Scott 1177 Denise McCarty
Index Cupid with Soap Bubble [Mar 6 00] p. 12 LIECHTENSTEIN: Scott 1177 index41Denise McCarty
Index Estonian Christmas Stamp [Dec 1 99] p. 12 THEMATIC: CHRISTMAS Denise McCarty
Index Pokemon Postage Due p. 12 JAPAN: CINDERELLA, FANTASY, POKEMON Keith Larson
Index Photo Image Reversal among 60c Grand Canyon Blunders p. 14 UNITED STATES: Scott C135 anon
Index Meet James Helzer, King of First-Day Covers p. 18 First Day Cover: DEALER, UNICOVER Lester Winick
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 19 UNITED STATES: Scott 391 Weiss, Larry S. & Leon M. Hadley
Index Taxes on Playing-Card Packs Created Confusion p. 26 UNITED STATES: Scott RE Michael J. Morrissey
Index Catalog Lists FDCs for Black-Heritage Stamps p. 32 THEMATIC: BLACK HERITAGE Cusick, Allison
Index Catalog Lists FDCs for Black-Heritage Stamps p. 32 United States: First Day Cover, CATALOG Cusick, Allison
Index Britain's Millennium Stamps Fall Short of Goal p. 48 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 1922-1925 index44Rosenblum , Larry
Index University of Utah Postal Card Coming Feb. 28 p. 50 UNITED STATES: Scott U312 Haeseler, Rob