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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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20 March 2000; Vol: 73 Iss: 3725
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20 Mar 2000 (blank)
Number of Pages:
Vol 73 Iss: 3725
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Index Internet Auction Invokes Trade Embargo; Shuts Down Cuban Stamp Transactions pp. 10-11 AUCTION: eBAY Haeseler, Rob
Index Metered Crash Mail Has Interesting History pp. 40-41 UNITED STATES: Postal History, Wreck Covers, Metered Mail Douglas Kelsey
Index Yangtze Patrol: The U.S. Navy in China pp. 38-39 UNITED STATES: Postal History, NAVAL, China Graham, Richard B.
Index Scott Minimum Up to 20c p. 1 CATALOG: SCOTT Baadke, Michael
Index Self-stick Pacific Coast Rain Forest Stamps Second Issue in Nature of America Series p. 1, 8 UNITED STATES: Scott 3378 Baadke, Michael
Index Self-stick Pacific Coast Rain Forest Stamps Second Issue in Nature of America Series p. 1, 8 UNITED STATES: Scott 3378 index41Baadke, Michael
Index USPS to Pull H-Rate Hat Stamp and Others from Sale March 24 p. 2 United States: United States Postal Service anon
Index No More Letter Stamps p. 2 United States: United States Postal Service anon
Index Glitch in Census Mailing p. 2 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index What Determines Rarity of Certain Stamps? p. 6 PHILATELY: Hotchner, John M.
Index Mauritius Buried Treasure Is Bogus p. 9 MAURITIUS: Scott 1, Forgeries and Counterfeits Rachel Supinger
Index Rural Carriers Settle with USPS p. 9 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Iran Offers Fascinating Collecting Opportunities p. 12 IRAN: SURVEY Rogers, Michael
Index Auction Lot Yields Rare Letter Sheet p. 14 INDIA: Postal Stationery Rachel Supinger
Index Enzo Diena 1927-2000 p. 14 PHILATELIST: DIENA, ENZO anon
Index Postman Pat in British Booklet p. 18 United Kingdom, Great Britain: BOOKLET anon
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 18 UNITED STATES: Scott 396 Weiss, Larry S. & Berkun, Alan
Index APS Internet Sales Plan Doomed p. 19 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: APS, INTERNET Rod, Steven J.
Index Spanish Postal Library to Reopen p. 41 SPAIN: LIBRARY anon