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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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10 April 2000; Vol: 73 Iss: 3728
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10 Apr 2000 (blank)
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Vol 73 Iss: 3728
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Index Varieties Keep Machin Definitive Series Fresh p.34 United Kingdom, Great Britain: MACHIN Larry Rosenbloom
Index Only 16 Million Stamps for Tiny American Samoa, U.S. Territory since 1900 p. 1, 30 United States: Scott 3389 index42and43Baadke, Michael
Index 46c Supreme Court Stamp p. 1 CANADA: Scott 1847 index42and43anon
Index Library of Congress Stamp Marks Library's Birthday p. 1, 14 United States: Scott 3390 index42and43Baadke, Michael
Index New Printer for Looney Tunes p. 2 United States: Scott 3391 index42and43Baadke, Michael
Index Great Britain to Raise Rates, Issue New Machine Definitives p. 2 United Kingdom, Great Britain: MACHIN anon
Index Father of PC Postage Honored by the USPS p. 3 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Wesley A. Crozier 1924-2000 p. 3 DEALER: CROZIER, WESLEY A. anon
Index Stamps Show History of American Neckwear p. 6 THEMATIC: NECKTIE Hotchner, John M.
Index Focus on Forgeries Dominincan Republic 1-centavo Coat of Arms Regular Issue of 1880 Scott 36 p. 6 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Scott 36, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Gifts Given to Museum p. 8 United States: MUSEUM McAllister, Bill
Index Stamps Replace Cash in Test Program p. 8 United States: United States Postal Service Baadke, Michael
Index Huge Postal History Collection to Be Sold p. 9 AUCTION: CIHANGIR Haeseler, Rob
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 10 UNITED STATES: Scott 399 Petterson, Charles A.
Index California Crash Mail Delivered p. 11 United States: Postal History, Wreck Covers Baadke, Michael
Index British Rarity to Be Hammered p. 12 United Kingdom, Great Britain: OFFICIAL anon
Index PMG Henderson Announces Deep Labor Cuts p. 12 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index APS Chief Lauds Plan to Sell on the Internet p. 14 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: APS Lamb, Robert E.
Index Free Franking and the U.S. Census: 1830-60 p. 16 United States: Postal History, FREE FRANK Graham, Richard B.
Index Linn's Report Leads USPS to Find Rickenbacker Packaging Mistake p. 18 UNITED STATES: Scott 2998a Baadke, Michael
Index Hong Kong's First Triangles [Mar 26 00] p. 19 CHINA: HONG KONG Denise McCarty
Index Round Kiwis p. 19 NEW ZEALAND: Denise McCarty
Index FDC Coverage in Linn's Fifty Years Ago p. 20 United States: First Day Cover Cusick, Allison
Index Postal Fraud by Postal Clerk in 19th Century Sardinia p. 24 ITALIAN STATES: SARDINIA, Postal History Robert E. Lana
Index Image-Property Search Demo Shows Stamps p. 50 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER Sharpe, William F.
Index Liberia Honors U.S. Women's Soccer Team [Mar 15 00] p. 50 THEMATIC: SPORT, SOCCER anon