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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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05 June 2000; Vol: 73 Iss: 3736
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5 Jun 2000 (blank)
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Vol 73 Iss: 3736
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Index Reader Response: Foreign Post Offices in Turkey pp. 18-19 TURKEY: OTTOMAN, Postal History index42and43Graham, Richard B.
Index Road Runner Issue Is Different in Many Ways pp. 8-9 United States: Scott 3391 index42and43Baadke, Michael
Index Aussie L1 Kangaroo Brings Record Price p. 1, 46 AUSTRALIA: Scott 14 index42and43Glen Stephens
Index British Set Highlights Millennium Projects [People & Place Jun 6 00] p. 1, 16 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 1910-1913 index44anon
Index New Embroidered Stamp Top Secret until June 21, Says Swiss Post Office p. 1, 14 SWITZERLAND: Scott 1075a index44anon
Index German Youth Semipostal Stamps Promote Expo 2000 in Hannover [8 Jun 00] p. 2 GERMANY: Scott B867-872 index44anon
Index Burbank First-Grader on New Century Stamp p. 2 United States: Scott 3191 index42and43anon
Index Zambia Halts Door-to-Door Delivery p. 2 ZAMBIA: Postal History index42and43anon
Index World Stamp Sales Estimated at $10 Billion p. 3 PHILATELY: index42and43Laurence, Michael
Index Only Three Covers Survive from Pan Am 103 p. 6 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Postal History, Crash Cover, Interrupted Mail index42and43Hotchner, John M.
Index Focus on Forgeries Epirus 1914 Erseka Provisionals (Seven Values) Illustrated by not listed in Scott (formerly Scott 42-48) p. 6 GREECE: EPIRUS, Scott 42-48, Forgery, Forgeries and Counterfeits index42and43Tyler, Varro E.
Index All Flag Envelopes Changed p. 9 UNITED STATES: Scott U642-643 index42and43Baadke, Michael
Index Rain Forest, Celebrate 1990s, More Used Early p. 10 United States: Scott 3370, EKU, Earliest Known Usage index42and43Snee, Charles
Index Rain Forest, Celebrate 1990s, More Used Early p. 10 United States: Scott 3371, EKU, Earliest Known Usage index42and43Snee, Charles
Index Rain Forest, Celebrate 1990s, More Used Early p. 10 United States: Scott UX312, EKU, Earliest Known Usage index42and43Snee, Charles
Index Rain Forest, Celebrate 1990s, More Used Early p. 10 United States: Scott C135, EKU, Earliest Known Usage index42and43Snee, Charles
Index Alexander Unwin 1929-2000 p. 11 PHILATELIST: UNWIN, ALEXANDER index42and43anon
Index Canadian Postal Museum Honors Traditional Crafts p. 11 CANADA: MUSEUM index42and43anon
Index 'Duck Stamp Story' Is Told Well p. 12 United States: Scott RW index42and43Baadke, Michael
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 12 United States: Scott 405b index42and43Weiss, Larry S.
Index More Never-Folded Flowers Reported p. 14 United States: Scott 2520b index42and43Snee, Charles
Index National Schoolbook Program [7 Feb 00] p. 20 BRASIL: Scott 2733 index44Denise McCarty
Index Hidden Images on Mexico's Education Sheet [15 Dec 99] p. 20 MEXICO: Scott 2177 index42and43Denise McCarty
Index Norway's Stamps to Be Printed by Enschede in the Netherlands p. 20 NORWAY: PRINTER index42and43Frederick A. Brofos
Index New Federal Duck Stamp Most Colorful of All p. 32 United States: Scott RW67-67a index42and43Bob Dumaine
Index Some International Rates Going Up p. 32 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates index42and43anon
Index Andrea della Robbia, Sculptor p. 37 United States: Scott 1769 index42and43Richard Thomas