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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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26 June 2000; Vol: 73 Iss: 3739
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26 Jun 2000 (blank)
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Vol 73 Iss: 3739
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Index Hotels Often Applied Markings to Patron Mail pp. 18-19 United States: Postal Markings, HOTEL index42and43Graham, Richard B.
Index Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Bomb, Nor Thief pp. 10-11 CANADA: Postal History index42and43Burnett, John
Index Overrun Countries Error Has 'Austria' Doubled pl. 1, 93 United States: Scott 919var index42and43Snee, Charles
Index Tampa Fire Claims Mail p.19 United States: Postal History, Crash Cover, Interrupted Mail index42and43anon
Index 'Sniping' to Continue on eBay p. 1 AUCTION: eBAY index42and43Haeseler, Rob
Index Hologram $11.75 Space Achievement Stamp Opens World Stamp Expo 2000 in Anaheim p. 1, 32 United States: Scott 3412-3413 index42and43Baadke, Michael
Index FBI Probes Shill Bidding on eBay p. 2 AUCTION: eBAY index42and43Haeseler, Rob
Index U.S. Winners at Stamp Show 2000 p. 2 EXHIBITION: STAMP SHOW 2000 index42and43anon
Index Steven F. Popick, 1942-2000 p. 2 DEALER: POPICK, STEVEN index42and43anon
Index Stamp Show 2000 a Grand Success, The p. 3 EXHIBITION: STAMP SHOW 2000 index42and43Laurence, Michael
Index Figure of Slave Was Inspired by British Statue p. 6 United States: Scott 902 index42and43Hotchner, John M.
Index International Service for Kosovo p. 8 KOSOVO: Scott 1-5 index42and43anon
Index International Service for Kosovo p. 8 United Nations: UNMIK see KOSOVO: index42and43anon
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 8 United States: Scott 4 index42and43Weiss, Larry S.
Index Semipostal Total Hits 332 Million; November Printing Comes to Light p. 9 United States: Scott B1 index42and43McAllister, Bill
Index James Sprinkle 1918-2000 p. 9 DEALER: SPRINKLE, JAMES index42and43anon
Index Farm Town Claims Record for Sales of Semipostals p. 11 United States: Scott B1 index42and43anon
Index Mario Andretti Stamps Unveiled at Speedway [May 26 00] p. 12 ST VINCENT & GRENADINES: SG 4608-4615 nous50unsigned
Index Mario Andretti Stamps Unveiled at Speedway [May 26 00] p. 12 SIERRA LEONE: 2265-2266 index44anon
Index FIP Overturns the Jury at the London Show p. 14 EXHIBITION: STAMP SHOW 2000 index42and43Lester Winick
Index French Nature Series [Jun 17 00] p. 16 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MAMMAL, GIRAFFE index42and43Denise McCoy
Index French Nature Series [Jun 17 00] p. 16 FRANCE: Scott 2776-2779a index44Denise McCoy
Index Cycling Union [Apr 14 00] p. 16 ITALY: Scott 2342 index44Denise McCoy
Index Cycling Union [Apr 14 00] p. 16 PAKISTAN: Scott 945 index44Denise McCoy
Index Cycling Union [May 22 00] p. 16 PORTUGAL: Scott 2360-2365a index44Denise McCoy
Index Satellite Communications Network p. 16 VANUATU: Scott 759-762 nous48Denise McCoy
Index Provisional Uses of Mexico's First Stamp Issues p. 33 MEXICO: Scott 42-45 index42and43Pulver, Dale
Index 33c Fruit Berries Coil Storage Strips Need to Accommodate Units of Nine p. 35 United States: Scott 3403-3407a index42and43Robert Rabinowitz
Index ACLU Sues Postal Service over Petition Ban p. 36 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service index42and43McAllister, Bill
Index UNPA Overprints Sheet for World Stamp Expo p. 37 United Nations: index42and43anon
Index USPS Honors Company for Consignment Efforts p. 65 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service index42and43anon
Index USPS Stamp Gum Advances Are Significant p. 66 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service index42and43Baadke, Michael
Index Boy Scouts and Girl Guides on Triangulars p. 68 Thematic, Topical Collecting: SCOUTING index42and43Keith A. Larson