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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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17 July 2000; Vol: 73 Iss: 3742
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17 Jul 2000 (blank)
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Vol 73 Iss: 3742
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Index Canadian Booklet Celebrates Talls Ships; Races Began in England, End in the Netherlands [Jul 19 00] p. 1, 12 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SHIP index42and43anon
Index Canadian Booklet Celebrates Talls Ships; Races Began in England, End in the Netherlands [Jul 19 00] p. 1, 12 CANADA: Scott 1864-1865a-b index44anon
Index Canadian Masterpieces Stamp Pictures Artist at Niagara [Jul 17 00] p. 1, 33 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: ART index42and43anon
Index Canadian Masterpieces Stamp Pictures Artist at Niagara [Jul 7 00] p. 1, 33 CANADA: Scott 1863 index42and43anon
Index House Committee Approves Bill for USPS to Issue Any Semipostal p. 1, 9 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service, SEMIPOSTAL index42and43McAllister, Bill
Index Britain to Issue Tree and Leaf Set Aug. 1 p. 2 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 1918-1921 index44anon
Index USPS Delivers a Threat to the Stamp Hobby p. 3 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service index42and43Laurence, Michael
Index Focus on Forgeries Ukraine 50-shahiv Numeral Regular Issue of 1918 Scott 66 p. 6 UKRAINE: Scott 66, Forgery, Forgeries and Counterfeits index42and43Tyler, Varro E.
Index Officially Sealed Cover Is the New Champion p. 6 United States: Scott OX index42and43Hotchner, John M.
Index Sticky Problems Arise for Linerless Berries p. 8 United States: Scott 3403-3407a index42and43Snee, Charles
Index USPS to Cut 700 Jobs to Save $100 Million p. 11 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service index42and43McAllister, Bill
Index Two Online Bidders Vie for Solo 19c Hayes p. 12 United States: Scott 824 index42and43Snee, Charles
Index Two Omnibus Series for Prince's Birthday p. 14 United Kingdom, Great Britain: CHANNEL ISLANDS, Isle of Man index42and43anon
Index Australia Internation Mail [Jun 20 00] p. 16 AUSTRALIA: Scott 1844-1846 index44Denise McCarty
Index Japanese Self-Adhesives from Old Designs [May 19 00] p. 16 JAPAN: Scott 2733a-j index44Denise McCarty
Index Collector Seeks 1c Kestrel Plate Varieties p. 18 United States: Scott 3044a index42and43Rene Pellet
Index All Local Post Offices May Sell Subs Booklet p. 18 United States: Scott 3372-3377 index42and43Snee, Charles
Index Internet Offers Enormous Potential for Hobby p. 19 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER, INTERNET index42and43George Krieger
Index Iceland Honors Those Who Left the Country [Oct 9 00] p. 20 ICELAND: Scott 921 nous48Lester Winick
Index Mystery: Who Saved the Mail at 17 W. 54th? p. 22 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: THEATER index42and43Haeseler, Rob
Index Two Important Editorial Additions Highlight 2001 Scott Catalog Vol. 4 p. 23 AUSTRALIAN STATES: NWPI, North-West Pacific Islands, CATALOG index42and43Scott Publishing Co.
Index National Postal Museum Receives $250,000 Grant p. 26 United States: MUSEUM index42and43anon
Index 20c Pheasant in Vending Machines p. 26 United States: Scott 3050a index42and43anon
Index 20c Pheasant in Vending Machines p. 26 UNITED STATES: Scott BK242A index42and43anon
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 27 United States: Scott 408V index42and43Larry Weiss
Index 19th-Century Japanese Stamps Are Fascinating p. 30 JAPAN: SURVEY index42and43Rogers, Michael
Index EzStamp Offers Extensive Database, Images p. 32 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER index42and43Sharpe, William F.
Index Palestine Mandate: E.E.F. Stamps, Overland Mail p. 34 PALESTINE: index42and43Norman A. Rubin
Index Odessa Famine Relief [letter] p. 38 RUSSIA: USSR, CINDERELLA index42and43Robert A. Juran
Index Use Caution, Sense When Shipping Covers p. 42 United States: First Day Cover index42and43deVries, Lloyd
Index Nevis, Dominica Honor Bob Hope [Jul 7 00] p. 43 DOMINICA: index42and43anon
Index Nevis, Dominica Honor Bob Hope [Jul 7 00] p. 43 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CINEMA index42and43anon
Index Nevis, Dominica Honor Bob Hope [Jul 7 00] p. 43 NEVIS: index42and43anon