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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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04 September 2000; Vol: 73 Iss: 3749
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4 Sep 2000 (blank)
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Vol 73 Iss: 3749
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Index New Book: British Rates and Stamps of 1937-2000 pp. 50-51 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Postal History, Postal Rates index42and43Graham, Richard B.
Index One Collector's Encapsulation Experience pp. 8-9 EXPERTISING: ENCAPSULATION index42and43Snee, Charles
Index Soaking Caveat: Be Careful with 33c Adoption Stamps pp. 40-41 United States: Scott 3398 index42and43Snee, Charles
Index Fourth Printing of Semipostal Raises New Total to 417 Million p. 1, 53 United States: Scott B1 index42and43McAllister, Bill
Index Two More Silkote First-Day Covers Surface; 30-Year-Old Letter Hints There May Be Others p. 1, 11 United States: Scott 1033a, First Day Cover index42and43Haeseler, Rob
Index U.S. Open Pictorial Postmark Banned from Collector Covers p. 1, 9 United States: Postal Markings, GOLF index42and43Rachel Supinger
Index Bureau Stamp Program: 15 Billion in 2001 p. 2 United States: BEP, Bureau of Engraving and Printing index42and43anon
Index Stamp Booklet Features Finnish Industrial Design [Sep 5 2000] p. 2 FINLAND: BOOKLET index42and43anon
Index Henderson Will See First USPS Loss in Years p. 12 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service index42and43McAllister, Bill
Index Turkish Cover Arrives Right on Time, 12 Years Later p. 14 TURKEY: Postal Stationery index42and43Fricke, Charles A.
Index Using StampSites to Find Lighthouse Stamps p. 16 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER, INTERNET index42and43Wiliam F. Sharpe
Index Berlin Film Festival [May 15 2000] p. 19 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CINEMA index42and43Denise McCarty
Index Berlin Film Festival [May 15 2000] p. 19 GRENADA GRENADINES: Scott 2187 index44Denise McCarty
Index Nevis Salutes Mike Wallace of '60 Minutes' p. 19 NEVIS: Scott 1223 index44Denise McCarty
Index New Discovery Is Form 3333 Latest-Known Use p. 29 United States: Scott RW1 index42and43Bob Dumaine
Index Albert Bierstadt, Painter p. 30 United States: Scott 3236m index42and43Richard Thomas
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 34 United States: Scott 413 index42and43Weiss, Larry S. & George P. Wagner
Index These Stamps Are the Legends of the Hobby p. 42 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 1 index42and43Baadke, Michael