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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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02 October 2000; Vol: 73 Iss: 3753
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2 Oct 2000 (blank)
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Vol 73 Iss: 3753
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Index 20c Deer Postal Cards Set for Release Oct. 12; Clerical Error Led to Early Sale in Kansas City p. 1, 19 United States: Scott UX357-360a index44Snee, Charles
Index Australia Begins Issuing Next-Day Stamps for Gold Medalists at the Sydney Games p. 1, 10 AUSTRALIA: Scott 1875-1907 nous46anon
Index Australia Begins Issuing Next-Day Stamps for Gold Medalists at the Sydney Games p. 1, 10 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC index42and43anon
Index Record $132,000 for Revenue Stamp p. 1, 20 United States: Scott RB5c index42and43Haeseler, Rob
Index $4 Black Pony Express COver in Siegel Auction p. 2 United States: EXPRESS, WELLS FARGO index42and43anon
Index USPS Wants to Imitate State Quarter Coins p. 3 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service index42and43Laurence, Michael
Index It May Look Like a Plate Crack, but It's Not p. 6 United States: Scott 1304, Errors Freaks and Oddities index42and43Hotchner, John M.
Index Robinson Release Set for Oct. 24, but Some Have Been Sold Already p. 8 United States: Scott 3446, EKU, Earliest Known Usage index45Baadke, Michael
Index Collector in Nebraska Discovers Used Error Strip of Five Hat Coils p. 9 United States: Scott 3265, Errors Freaks and Oddities index42and43Snee, Charles
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 11 United States: Scott 417 index42and43Weiss, Larry S. & Bob Swanson
Index 'Senator,' Yes, but He Was a Man of the House p. 12 United States: Scott 3426 index42and43McAllister, Bill
Index Britain's Christmas Aerogram p. 12 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CHRISTMAS index42and43anon
Index Britain's Christmas Aerogram p. 12 United Kingdom, Great Britain: POSTAL STATIONERY, AEROGRAM index42and43anon
Index Nat 'King' Cole, Popular Singer p. 14 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MUSIC index42and43Richard Thomas
Index Nat 'King' Cole, Popular Singer p. 14 United States: Scott 2852 index42and43Richard Thomas
Index Mathematical Study Unit Opens Web Site p. 16 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER index42and43Sharpe, William F.
Index Space Achievement Freaks Bear Gravity Hologram p. 20 United States: Scott 3412-3413, Errors Freaks and Oddities index42and43Snee, Charles
Index Britain to Issue Body and Bone Set Oct. 3 p. 22 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 1926-1929 index45anon
Index Asian Auction Site Is Off to a Running Start p. 24 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER, INTERNET index42and43Lester Winick
Index Illustrated Covers: Pocket Watches and Components p. 30 United States: Postal History, ADVERTISING index42and43Graham, Richard B.
Index Duck Stamps Changing with New Technology p. 34 United States: Scott RW index42and43Bob Dumaine
Index U.N. Set Shows Spanish World Heritage [Oct 6 2000] p. 36 United Nations: Scott 784-786 index45anon
Index Gauge 14 Wisconsin [letter] p. 42 United States: Scott 755 index42and43Errol Murphy
Index Computer Error Led to Pitcairn's Oval Sheet p. 48 PITCAIRN ISLAND: Scott 529 nous48Denise McCarty
Index Computer Error Led to Pitcairn's Oval Sheet p. 48 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: ROYALTY index42and43Denise McCarty
Index Japan [Jul 19 2000] p. 48 JAPAN: Scott B50 nous54Denise McCarty
Index St. Helena [Aug 4 2000] p. 48 ST HELENA: Scott 759 nous54Denise McCarty
Index St. Helena [Aug 4 2000] p. 48 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: ROYALTY index42and43Denise McCarty
Index Argentina [Apr 15 2000] p. 49 ARGENTINA: Scott 2100 index44Denise McCarty
Index Brazil [Aug 13 2000] p. 49 BRASIL: POSTAL STATIONERY, AEROGRAM index42and43Denise McCarty