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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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27 November 2000; Vol: 73 Iss: 3761
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27 Nov 2000 (blank)
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Vol 73 Iss: 3761
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Index Edward VII Issue Can Be Expensixe Challenge ppp. 44-45 CANADA: Scott 89-95 nous46Burnett, John
Index New Book: Leavitt Machine Cancels and Values [review] pp. 10-11 United States: Postal Markings, MACHINE, LEAVITT us46Graham, Richard B.
Index Australian Stamp Boss Honored by Collectors p 24 AUSTRALIA: nous46Lester Winick
Index Australian Issues Surprise: Paralympic Stamps [Oct 31 2000] p. 1, 32 AUSTRALIA: Scott 1855-1856, 1921 nous46Glen Stephens
Index Australian Issues Surprise: Paralympic Stamps [Oct 31 2000] p. 1, 32 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT nous46Glen Stephens
Index Finnish Design Contest Chooses Stylized Lion for Europ Stamps for 2002 [Jan 1 2002] p. 1, 32 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MAMMAL, CAT nous46anon
Index Finnish Design Contest Chooses Stylized Lion for Europa Stamps of 2002 [Jan 1 2002] p. 1, 32 FINLAND: Scott 1152 nous50unsigned
Index USPS Gets 34c Stamp Okay by Postcard Hike Is Nixed p. 1, 16 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us46Baadke, Michael
Index Another Hautman Winner p. 2 United States: Scott RW us46anon
Index Return of the Stamp-Collecting Hit Man, The p. 3 FICTION: HIT LIST nous46Laurence, Michael
Index AMG Stamps Belong in Scott U.S. Catalog p. 6 ITALY: AMG, Allied Military Government nous46Hotchner, John M.
Index 1860 Star Die Stamped Envelopes Are Rare p. 8 United States: Scott U19-33 us46Dan Undersander
Index Is Is a 'Billy the Kid' Cancel? [illus] p. 9 United States: Postal Markings, Nevada, VIRGINA CITY us46anon
Index Old West on Display at Aripex [illus] p. 9 United States: Postal Markings, Arizona, TUCSON us46anon
Index Citizens's Group Attacks the USPS p. 14 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us46McAllister, Bill
Index Rate-change Stamps Planned for December p. 16 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us46anon
Index Tale of Two 1914 Covers Sent from Mexico, A p. 18 MEXICO: Postal History, VERA CRUZ nous46Pulver, Dale
Index Submarines [Oct 12 2000], Gold Medalists and Teddy Bears p. 20 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SHIP nous46Denise McCarty
Index Submarines [Oct 12 2000], Gold Medalists and Teddy Bears p. 20 MARSHALL ISLANDS: Scott 754 nous48Denise McCarty
Index Submarines, Gold Medalists [Oct 23 2000] and Teddy Bears p. 20 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC nous46Denise McCarty
Index Submarines, Gold Medalists and Teddy Bears [Nov 21 2000] p. 20 SWITZERLAND: Postal Stationery nous46Denise McCarty
Index Submarines, Gold Medalists and Teddy Bears [Oct 5 2000] p. 20 NEW ZEALAND: Scott 1681-1687 nous48Denise McCarty
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 22 United States: Scott 424d, Errors Freaks and Oddities us46Weiss, Larry S. & Jerry Nylander
Index Modern Rarity to Be Auctioned p. 22 United States: Scott 1789b us46Haeseler, Rob
Index DAV Reply Envelopes: 33c or 34c? p. 30 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates us46Robert Rabinowitz
Index Match Factory Fires Imagination p. 32 United States: PERMIT, APS us46anon
Index Cover from Junk Box Sells for $1,000 p. 44 United States: Scott C7 us46Haeseler, Rob
Index 'Modern first-day cover' Can Mean Different Things to Different People p. 47 United States: First Day Cover us46deVries, Lloyd