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19 February 2001; Vol: 74 Iss: 3773
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19 Feb 2001
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Vol 74 Iss: 3773
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Index Cost to Collect New U.S. Stamps May Dip in 2001 pp. 48-49 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us46Snee, Charles
Index U.S. Incoming Steamship Mails, 1860s-1875 pp. 38-39 United States: Postal History, MARTIME us46Graham, Richard B.
Index Qatar [Oct 9 2000] p 36 QATAR: Scott 941-942 nous48Denise McCarty
Index Queen Will Sell Royal Dupes p. 1 United Kingdom, Great Britain: ROYAL COLLECTION nous46Haeseler, Rob
Index 76c Caraway Stamp Joins Distinguished Americans p. 1, 14 United States: Scott 3431 us47Snee, Charles
Index Washington, Eagle, Bison First Day Feb. 22 at World-Famous Wall Drug p. 1, 26 United States: First Day Cover us46Snee, Charles
Index 34c Community Colleges Envelope in Joliet Feb. 20 p. 2 United States: Scott U648 us47Haeseler, Rob
Index Richard Dresel, 1925-2000 p. 2 DEALER: DRESEL, RICHARD H. nous46anon
Index Rutherford B. Hayes Signed This Cover in 1850 p. 8 United States: Scott 2118a us46Hotchner, John M.
Index British Self-Adhesives Show Photos of Cats and Dogs [Feb 13 2001] p. 9 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MAMMAL, CAT nous46anon
Index British Self-Adhesives Show Photos of Cats and Dogs [Feb 13 2001] p. 9 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MAMMAL, DOG nous46anon
Index Foundation Names Harlan Stone to Board and Executive Committee p. 10 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: PHILATELIC FOUNDATION nous46anon
Index UPU Denounces Illegal Stamps, Director Says p. 10 UPU, Universal Postal Union: nous46Thomas E. Leavey
Index Known 33c City Plate Numbers Jump to 22; 'B' Suffix in Use p. 11 United States: PLATE NUMBER us46anon
Index New Chan Catalog Is Excellent Source for Collectors [review] p. 12 CHINA: CATALOG, CHAN nous46Rogers, Michael
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 16 United States: Scott 435, Errors Freaks and Oddities us46Weiss, Larry S. & George F. Wagner
Index USPS Joined the Parade p. 16 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us46McAllister, Bill
Index Stamps Add Excitement to School Projects p. 17 PHILATELY: nous46Jack Trammell
Index FPF Does Things Differently in Portugal, The p. 18 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: FPF nous46Lester Winick
Index Pokemon Characters Appear on New Stamps [Feb 1 2001] p. 20 GRENADA: Scott nous46anon
Index Canadian Stamps Honor French-speaking Games [Feb 28 2001] p. 22 CANADA: Scott 1894-1895 nous47anon
Index UPU Distributed Meter Stamp Specimens, The p. 24 UPU, Universal Postal Union: Metered Mail nous46Douglas Kelsey
Index Computer Program Grades Stamp Images p. 32 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER nous46Sharpe, William F.
Index Stamps Honor Country Music [Australia Jan 25 2001], the Tango p. 36 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MUSIC nous46Denise McCarty
Index Stamps Honor Country Music [Jan 25 2001], the Tango p. 36 AUSTRALIA: Scott 1933-1934a nous50Denise McCarty
Index Stamps Honor Country Music, the Tango [Argentina Nov 11 2000] p. 36 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: DANCE nous46Denise McCarty
Index Stamps Honor Country Music, the Tango [Nov 11 2000] p. 36 ARGENTINA: Scott 2136 nous49Denise McCarty
Index Brazil [Jan 1 2001] p. 36 BRASIL: Scott 2776-2779 nous50Denise McCarty
Index Only 12 U.S. Stamps Have a Diamond Shape p. 50 United States: First Day Cover us46Cusick, Allison
Index Great Britain's Post Office to Be Renamed Consignia p. 111 United Kingdom, Great Britain: ROYAL POST nous46anon