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Journal / Periodical
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19 March 2001; Vol: 74 Iss: 3777
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19 Mar 2001
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Vol 74 Iss: 3777
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Index George VI Issues of Hong Kong Ripe with Possibilities pp. 16-17 CHINA: HONG KONG nous47Rogers, Michael
Index Joint Issue from United States and Sweden Celebrates Nobel Prize Ceremony Centennial p. 1, 34 United States: Scott 3504 us48Baadke, Michael
Index New Danish Block of Four Marks Postage Stamp Sesquicentennial p. 1, 36-37 DENMARK: Scott 1198-1201a us53Baadke, Michael
Index Canada Marks World Figure Skating Championships [Mar 19 2001] p. 2 CANADA: Scott 1896-1899 nous48Baadke, Michael
Index Airmails of late '40s Inspired Look-Alikes p. 6 United States: Air Mail us47Hotchner, John M.
Index Helio Courvoisier To Close p. 8 PRINTER: HELIO COURVOISIER nous47Walt Wehrle
Index Three New Stamps Likely in 2001 U.S. Stamp Program p. 8 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us47anon
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 9 United States: Scott 440, EKU, Earliest Known Usage us47Weiss, Larry S. & George P. Wagner
Index Rare Liberty Line Pair Tops $2,3000 p. 10 United States: Scott 1056 us47Haeseler, Rob
Index Thomas to Receive ATA Honor p. 11 TOPICALIST: THOMAS, DALENE nous47anon
Index U.S. Metered 'Hindenburg' Cover Discovered p. 12 United States: Metered Mail us47Douglas Kelsey
Index U.S. Metered 'Hindenburg' Cover Discovered p. 12 United States: Air Mail, ZEPPELIN us47Douglas Kelsey
Index Dime Cover Evokes High Times in Cleveland p. 14 PHILATELIST: GOOD, ALVIN nous47Haeseler, Rob
Index Pitcairn Island [Feb 1 2001] p. 20 PITCAIRN ISLAND: Scott 531-534 nous48Denise McCarty
Index Lesotho [Jan 22 2001] p. 20 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MEDICINE nous47Denise McCarty
Index Botswanna Stamps Honor Diamond Industry [Feb 1 2001] p. 20 BOTSWANA: Scott 710-713 nous50Denise McCarty
Index Stamps Continue after Demise of Postage Dot-Coms p. 24 United States: Postal History, AUTOMATION us47Lester Winick
Index Collectors Use Visio to Make Stamp Pages p. 30 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER nous47Sharpe, William F.
Index Airmail: Two Ways to the Dutch Indies, 1937 p. 46 Netherlands East Indies: Air Mail nous47Graham, Richard B.
Index $200 Civil War Is First Bicolor Issue for United States p. 48 United States: Scott R102 us47Michael J. Morrissey