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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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26 March 2001; Vol: 74 Iss: 3778
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26 Mar 2001
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Vol 74 Iss: 3778
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Index APS Exhibiting: FDCs Are 'illustrated mail' pp. 52-53 EXHIBITING: First Day Cover nous47deVries, Lloyd
Index UNPA Honors International Year of Volunteers p 14 United Nations: Scott 793-794 nous48unsigned
Index Move for Higher Postage Rates Could Bypass Rate Commission p. 1, 51 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us47McAllister, Bill
Index New Pan-Am Invert Stamps Are Intentional; Sheet Issued at New York Mega-Show p. 1, 16-17 United States: Scott 3506 us48Baadke, Michael
Index 80c McKinley Stamp First Day Will Be in Fairbanks April 17 p. 1, 28 United States: Scott C137 us48Snee, Charles
Index Yale Postal Card to Be Issued March 30 in New Haven p. 2 United States: Scott UX361 us48Haeseler, Rob
Index Reorganization at Linn's Parent Firm p. 3 PUBLISHER: AMOS PRESS nous47Laurence, Michael
Index Focus on Forgeries Cuva 1868 10-Centavos Queen Isabella II Regular Issue p. 6 CUBA: Scott 32, Forgery, Forgeries and Counterfeits nous47Tyler, Varro E.
Index Elizabeth C. Pope Awarded New St. Louis Service Medal p. 8 PHILATELIST: POPE, ELIZABETH C. nous47anon
Index Board Freeze on Building Projects Hits 800 Postal Sites Nationwide p. 8 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us47McAllister, Bill
Index Sweden's 3SB Rarity Cost 45c More to Mail p. 9 SWEDEN: Scott 3 nous47anon
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 10 United States: Scott 441, EKU, Earliest Known Usage us47Weiss, Larry S. & Mick Hadley
Index New Amos Press Stucture Reorganizes Linn's Scott p. 10 PUBLISHER: AMOS PRESS nous47anon
Index Exhibit Features Columbian Sheets p. 11 United States: MUSEUM us47anon
Index Ancillary Markings Found on Mexican Mail p. 12 MEXICO: Postal Markings, AUXILIARY nous47Pulver, Dale
Index FedEx Puts Its Boxes in Post Office Lobbies p. 18 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us47McAllister, Bill
Index U.S. Stamps on Poetry Month Poster p. 20 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: JAPOS nous47Baadke, Michael
Index Catalog Mailers Have Nearly 80 Postal Rates p. 22 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us47Lester Winick
Index Stamps Honor Gable's 100th Birthday p. 24 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CINEMA nous47anon
Index Mauritius Stamp Notes the End of Slavery [Feb 1 2001] p. 26 MAURITIUS: Scott 930 nous48Denise McCarty
Index Free-Frank Covers: Autographs or Postal History? p. 42 United States: Postal History, FREE FRANK us47Graham, Richard B.
Index New Book Features 75 Years of Skiing Stamps p. 50 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, SKIING nous47James Bentley