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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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30 April 2001; Vol: 74 Iss: 3783
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30 Apr 2001
Number of Pages:
Vol 74 Iss: 3783
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Index World War II: Covers from pre-Pearl Harbro APOs pp. 16-17 United States: Postal Markings, MILITARY us47Graham, Richard B.
Index UPU United Arab Emirates Circular Lists 30-Year-Old Sand-Dunes Strips p. 1 UPU, Universal Postal Union: nous47anon
Index Pacific Coast Rain Forest Tops Linn's 2000 Stamp Poll p. 1, 10-14 United States: Scott, Pacific Rain Forest us47Snee, Charles
Index U.S. 1c 1851 Sets Record p. 2 United States: Scott 5 us47Haeseler, Rob
Index Irving Prager, 1925-2001 p. 2 DEALER: PRAGER, IRVING nous47Haeseler, Rob
Index Afinsa, Heinrich Kohler to Merge p. 2 DEALER: KOHLER, HEINRICH nous47anon
Index Jack Rosenthal Makes Another Discovery p. 3 United States: Scott 115E us47Laurence, Michael
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 8 United States: Scott 446, EKU, Earliest Known Usage us47Weiss, Larry S. & Berkun, Alan
Index Australia's New Tax Law Upsets Stamp Dealers p. 18 AUSTRALIA: PHILATELY nous47Lester Winick
Index Israeli Flowers [Mar 18 2001], Garden of Eden, Rain Forest p. 20 ISRAEL: Scott, Flower nous47Denise McCarty
Index Israeli Flowers, Garden of Eden [Feb 27 2001], Rain Forest p. 20 ESTONIA: Scott, Eden nous47Denise McCarty
Index Israeli Flowers, Garden of Eden [Jan 31 2001], Rain Forest p. 20 NEVIS: Scott, Eden nous47Denise McCarty
Index Israeli Flowers, Garden of Eden, Rain Forest [Feb 12 2001] p. 20 FIJI: Scott, Rain Forest nous47Denise McCarty
Index University of Portland Card to Be Issued May 1 p. 22 United States: Scott UX, Portland us47Haeseler, Rob
Index Three New Books for Canada Collectors p. 26 CANADA: LITERATURE nous47Burnett, John
Index Pigeon Labels [letter] p. 38 COLOMBIA: CINDERELLA, LOCAL nous47John F. Beyer
Index Most Maximum Cards Bear First-Day Cancels p. 44 United States: First Day Cover us47deVries, Lloyd
Index Manx Postmen, Postmarks and Definitives p. 46 United Kingdom, Great Britain: CHANNEL ISLANDS, MAN nous47anon