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Journal / Periodical
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14 May 2001; Vol: 74 Iss: 3785
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14 May 2001
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Vol 74 Iss: 3785
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Index Confederate States Bibliography Covers 1862-1999 p. 46-47 United States: Confederate States of America, LITERATURE us47Graham, Richard B.
Index Stamps for Playing Cards Document Tax Changes pp. 16-17 United States: Scott RF us47Michael J. Morrissey
Index Stamps, Stamp Placemnt Began in Britain pp. 10-11 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Postal History nous47Alderfer, David
Index Upcoming Madison to Look Like 32c Polk [Oct 18 2001] p. 1 United States: Scott 3545 us51unsigned
Index Linn's Publishes New Book on U.S. Stamps of 1927-32 p. 1 United States: LITERATURE us47anon
Index New 34c Stamp Is Second in Last Two Years to Pay Tribute to U.S. Armed Forces Vets p. 1, 8 United States: Scott 3508 us49Snee, Charles
Index Ashton Potter Canada Will Move Stamp Production to United States p. 1 PRINTER: ASHTON POTTER nous47anon
Index British Stamps to Depict Double-Decker Buses p. 2 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: AUTOMOBILE nous47anon
Index British Stamps to Depict Double-Decker Buses p. 2 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 1972-1976a nous49unsigned
Index Fantasy Cover Has Real Stamps, Bogus Cancels p. 6 CINDERELLA: nous47Hotchner, John M.
Index AAMS Presents Service, Other Awards to McCarty, Thomassen, Jones, Pezzillo p. 9 PHILATELIST: JONES, CESAR nous47anon
Index AAMS Presents Service, Other Awards to McCarty, Thomassen, Jones, Pezzillo p. 9 PHILATELIST: MCCARTY, PHILIP R. nous47anon
Index AAMS Presents Service, Other Awards to McCarty, Thomassen, Jones, Pezzillo p. 9 PHILATELIST: PEZZILLO, SAMUEL nous47anon
Index AAMS Presents Service, Other Awards to McCarty, Thomassen, Jones, Pezzillo p. 9 PHILATELIST: THOMASSEN, EGIL nous47anon
Index Italian-overprinted Stamps Used in Lubiana p. 12 SLOVENIA: Postal History nous47Robert E. Lana
Index Contract for Angola p. 12 ANGOLA: PRINTER, AFINSA nous47anon
Index Arthur M. Hochheiser, 1918-2001 p. 14 PHILATELIST; HOCHHEISER, ARTHUR M. nous47anon
Index John O. Griffiths, 1923-2001 p. 17 PHILATELIST: GRIFFITHS, JOHN O. nous47anon
Index Record-Breaking Stamp for Queen's Birthday [Apr 21 2001] p. 20 GIBRALTAR: Scott 875-879 nous50Denise McCarty
Index Christmas Stamp Tops Finnish Popularity Poll [Nov 3 2000] p. 21 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CHRISTMAS nous47anon
Index Christmas Stamp Tops Finnish Popularity Poll [Nov 3 2000] p. 21 FINLAND: Scott 1144-1145 nous48unsigned
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 22 United States: Scott 448, EKU, Earliest Known Usage us47Weiss, Larry S. & Berkun, Alan
Index Looks Like the Real Thing, but.... [illus] p. 22 NEPAL: CINDERELLA nous47anon
Index Canada's Most Beautiful Stamps at Civilization Museum p. 24 CANADA: MUSEUM nous47anon
Index New Hampshire's Old Man of the Mountain p. 32 United States: Scott 1068, First Day Cover us47Cusick, Allison
Index Armenian Overprint p. 38 ARMENIA: Scott 6-48 nous47anon
Index Additional Washington Pane, Booklet Die-Cuts Found p. 44 United States: Scott 3482-3483 us47Snee, Charles