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21 May 2001; Vol: 74 Iss: 3786
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21 May 2001
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Vol 74 Iss: 3786
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Index U.S. Registry Laws, Regulations Changed in 1910 pp. 16-17 United States: Postal History, REGISTRY us48Graham, Richard B.
Index Using Excel Queries with a Stamp Inventory pp. 40-41 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER nous48Sharpe, William F.
Index Third Scenic Stamp in 2001 Depicts Acadia Park; New Stamp for Airmail Rate to Mexico, Canada p. 1, 9 United States: Scott C138 us49Snee, Charles
Index Nondenominated Woody Wagon at Denver First-Day-Cover Show p. 1 United States: Scott 3522 us50unsigned
Index Earleist $2 Trans-Miss Cover Hits $55,000, Record for EKU p. 1, 12 United States: Scott 293, EKU, Earliest Known Usage us48Haeseler, Rob
Index UNPA to Release Flag Stamps and Floral Definitive [May 25 2001] p. 2 United Nations: Scott 795-804 nous49unsigned
Index BPO Undergoes Name-Change Operation p. 3 United Kingdom, Great Britain: ROYAL MAIL nous48Laurence, Michael
Index AMG Stamps Were Used for Travel Permits p. 6 GERMANY: OCCUPATION, AMG, Allied Military Government nous48Hotchner, John M.
Index Focus on Forgeries Fernando Po 1900 King Alfonso XIII Issue Scott 66- 85 p. 6 FERNANDO PO: Scott 68-85, Forgery, Forgeries and Counterfeits nous48Tyler, Varro E.
Index Harry Sutherland Retires from RPSC p. 8 PHILATELIST: SUTHERLAND, HARRY nous48unsigned
Index Norway's Rate Increase for New Tax Lifts 2001 Stamp Total to Record 44 p. 8 NORWAY: Postal History, Postal Rates nous48unsigned
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 8 United States: Scott 449, EKU, Earliest Known Usage us48Weiss, Larry S. & Jerry Nylander
Index Royal Philatelic Society Checked Queen's Duplicates p. 9 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: RPSL nous48unsigned
Index Scout Stamp Society Celebrates 50th Anniversary p. 10 PHILATELIC ORGANIZAITON: SOSSI nous48unsigned
Index News Flash: USPS Raising Rates July 1 p. 10 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates us48unsigned
Index AskPhil Site Lists Illegal Stamps p. 12 UPU, Universal Postal Union: nous48unsigned
Index This Stamp Looks and Smells Like Chocolate p. 18 SWITZERLAND: Scott 1100 nous49Lester Winick
Index Four Countries Honor Musicians and Music p. 20 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MUSIC nous48Denise McCarty
Index China's Meter Stamps: Some of the World's Greatest p. 28 CHINA: Metered Mail nous48Douglas A. Kelsey
Index Chaotic Times in China Led to Numerous Surcharges p. 44 CHINA: SURVEY nous48Rogers, Michael