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18 June 2001; Vol: 74 Iss: 3790
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18 Jun 2001
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Vol 74 Iss: 3790
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Index Chance Encounter with a Major Collection, A [Providence Provisionals] pp. 34-35 United States: Scott 10X1-2 us49James F. Luddy
Index Collector Recaptures Youth with Classic Collection pp. 20-21 PHILATELY: nous48Allen H. Seed
Index U.S. Naval Mission to Brazil, 1922-77, The pp. 46-47 United States: Postal Markings, NAVAL us48Graham, Richard B.
Index New Playing Fields Stamps to Debut June 27 before Games in Boston, Chicago and NYC p. 1, 10 United States: Scott 3510-3519, UX365-374 us50Snee, Charles
Index German Semipostals Show Children's Stories [Jun 13 01] p. 1, 44 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CINEMA nous48Denise McCarty
Index German Semipostals Show Children's Stories [Jun 13 01] p. 1, 44 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: FOLKLORE nous48Denise McCarty
Index German Semipostals Show Children's Stories [Jun 13 01] p. 1, 44 GERMANY: Scott B885-889 nous49Denise McCarty
Index Alfred G. 'Tag' Boerger, 1911-2001 p. 2 DEALER: BOERGEE, ALFRED G. nous48unsigned
Index New Record for Pan-Am FDC [illus] p. 2 United States: Scott 294-299, First Day Cover us48unsigned
Index No More BEP Stamps after 2005? p. 2 United States: BEP, Bureau of Engraving and Printing us48unsigned
Index Spay-neuter Stamp Report p. 2 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us48unsigned
Index Periodical Rates to Go Up Again, and Again p. 3 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates us48Laurence, Michael
Index Focus on Forgeries Germany 1942 (Perforated) and 1942 (Rouletted) Airplane Military Airmail Stamp Scott MC1, MC1a p. 6 GERMANY: Scott MC1-1a, Forgery, Forgeries and Counterfeits nous48Tyler, Varro E.
Index Some Congressional FDCs Were One Shots p. 6 United States: First Day Cover us48Hotchner, John M.
Index Mechanical Reading of Addresses to Save Postal Service $93 Million p. 9 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us48McAllister, Bill
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 9 United States: Scott 454, EKU, Earliest Known Usage us48Weiss, Larry S. & George P. Wagner
Index Pitcairn's Declining Stamp Sales Blamed for Social Embarassment p. 12 PITCAIRN ISLAND: nous48Haeseler, Rob
Index Tough Times Ahead for Postmaster General p. 14 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service, PMG us48McAllister, Bill
Index Agencies Send Stamps and Greetings in Ornate Cards p. 16 United States: Scott C117 us48Lewis E. Tauber
Index Agencies Send Stamps and Greetings in Ornate Cards p. 16 FINLAND: Scott 768 nous48Lewis E. Tauber
Index Agencies Send Stamps and Greetings in Ornate Cards p. 16 FRANCE: Scott 2575-2580 nous48Lewis E. Tauber
Index Agencies Send Stamps and Greetings in Ornate Cards p. 16 SWEDEN: Scott 1672 nous48Lewis E. Tauber
Index Kids Jammed Stamp Shop as Cops Kept Order p. 18 DEALER: MULLER, ERNST nous48Lester Winick
Index Registered Cover of 1906 Defines Eye Appeal [illust] p. 21 GUATEMALA: Postal History, REGISTRY nous48unsigned
Index Montserrate Set Salutes Stamp Personalities [Apr 30 01] p. 22 Thematic, Topical Collecting: PHILATELY nous48Denise McCarty
Index Luxembourg Depicts Postal Vehicles [May 22 01] p. 22 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: AUTOMOBILE nous48Denise McCarty
Index Day of Art and Students' Creativity [Apr 26 01] p. 22 Thematic, Topical Collecting: PHILATELY nous48Denise McCarty
Index Japan Salutes 100th Anniversary of Red, Cylindrical Public Mailboxes [Apr 20 01] p. 22 Thematic, Topical Collecting: PHILATELY nous48Denise McCarty
Index Army Postal Services [Jun 8 01] p. 22 AUSTRIA: Scott 1848 nous50Denise McCarty
Index Cartoon Characters Not New on Meter Stamps p. 29 United States: Metered Mail, SLOGAN us48Douglas A. Kelsey
Index Cartoon Characters Not New on Meter Stamps p. 29 Thematic, Topical Collecting: CARTOON nous48Douglas A. Kelsey