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13 August 2001; Vol: 74 Iss: 3798
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13 Aug 2001
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Vol 74 Iss: 3798
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Index U.S. Registered Mail Stamp of 1911 Was a Flop pp 24-25 United States: Scott F1 us50Graham, Richard B.
Index U.S. Registered Mail Stamp of 1911 Was a Flop pp 24-25 UNITED STATES: Scott Q us50Graham, Richard B.
Index Canada to Issue $1.05 Stamp in Art Masterpieces Series [Aug 24 01] p. 1, 30 CANADA: Scott 1916 nous51unsigned
Index Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia Rarities in Rogers' Peacock Collection Auction Aug. 17 p. 1, 41 BRUNEI: Scott N19 nous50Miller, Rick
Index Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia Rarities in Rogers' Peacock Collection Auction Aug. 17 p. 1, 41 MALAYA: KELANTAN, Scott N11Avar nous50Miller, Rick
Index Seven Stamp Dealers Accused of Conspiring to Rig Bidding p. 1, 15 DEALER: APFELBAUM, JOHN nous50Haeseler, Rob
Index Seven Stamp Dealers Accused of Conspiring to Rig Bidding p. 1, 15 DEALER: CHERISEY, ETIENNE Delaware nous50Haeseler, Rob
Index Seven Stamp Dealers Accused of Conspiring to Rig Bidding p. 1, 15 DEALER: FELDER JR, DAVITT A. nous50Haeseler, Rob
Index Seven Stamp Dealers Accused of Conspiring to Rig Bidding p. 1, 15 DEALER: FELDMAN, ANTHONY nous50Haeseler, Rob
Index Seven Stamp Dealers Accused of Conspiring to Rig Bidding p. 1, 15 DEALER: OKEY, DANA nous50Haeseler, Rob
Index Seven Stamp Dealers Accused of Conspiring to Rig Bidding p. 1, 15 DEALER: OSBORNE, STEPHEN J. nous50Haeseler, Rob
Index Seven Stamp Dealers Accused of Conspiring to Rig Bidding p. 1, 15 DEALER: QUIRIJNS, KEES nous50Haeseler, Rob
Index Stamps Stolen in San Francisco p. 2 THEFT: nous50Haeseler, Rob
Index Breast Cancer Stamp: 312.7 Million Sold p. 2 United States: Scott B1 us50unsigned
Index West Point Stamp to Be Issued in 2002 p. 2 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us50unsigned
Index New Scott CD Line Includes Free Demo Disc p. 3 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER, CATALOG nous50Laurence, Michael
Index Postal Workers Don't Understand All Stamps p. 6 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us50Hotchner, John M.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia - Army of the North 191 5-ruble Gen. Miller Unissued Stamp p. 6 RUSSIA: CIVIL WAR, Forgery, Forgeries and Counterfeits nous50Tyler, Varro E.
Index Sweden Post to Issue Engraved Self-Adhesives [Aug 16 01] p. 8 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: FISH nous50unsigned
Index Sweden Post to Issue Engraved Self-Adhesives [Aug 16 01] p. 8 SWEDEN: Scott 2420a-d nous51unsigned
Index Postal Service Finds Missing Mail p. 12 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us50McAllister, Bill
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 14 United States: Scott 462, EKU, Earliest Known Usage us50Weiss, Larry S. & George P. Wagner
Index Three Ideas for Starting a New Collecion p. 16 PHILATELY: nous50Lester Winick
Index Oversize Covers Are Gaining Favor p. 18 PHILATELY: nous50Shawn P. Sweeney
Index Norway [Jun 23 01], Norfolk Island Issue Scented Stamps p. 20 NORWAY: Scott 1298-1302|Unusual issues -- Scented nous51Denise McCarty
Index Norway, Norfolk Island [Jun 29 01] Issue Scented Stamps p. 20 NORFOLK ISLAND: Scott 739 nous54Denise McCarty
Index Dragon Lancing, Ancient Lime Tree [Aug 9 01] p. 20 GERMANY: Scott 2134 us53Denise McCarty
Index U.S. Airmail Stationery Introduced in 1929 p. 22 United States: Scott UC1, First Day Cover us50Allsion Cusick
Index Partisans and Postage: WWII Italian Locals p. 28 ITALY: CINDERELLA, LOCAL nous50Robert E. Lana
Index New Multiple-Impression 29c Stocking Pane Surfaces; Certified as Waste, Scott Likely to List It as an Error p. 30 United States: Scott 2872, Errors Freaks and Oddities us50Snee, Charles
Index CSAC's New Member p. 39 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service, CSAC, Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee us50McAllister, Bill
Index Beautiful State Revenues a Wide-Open Collecting Area p. 40 United States: Revenues, Louisiana us50Michael J. Morrissey