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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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03 September 2001; Vol: 74 Iss: 3801
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3 Sep 2001
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Vol 74 Iss: 3801
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Index Humphrey DeForest Bogart, Actor pp. 24-25 United States: Scott 3152 us50Richard Thomas
Index Humphrey DeForest Bogart, Actor pp. 24-25 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: CINEMA nous50Richard Thomas
Index Illustrated Covers: College Scenes and Buildings pp. 14-15 United States: Postal History, ADVERTISING us50Graham, Richard B.
Index Winter-over Covers Worth Long, Long Wait pp. 10-11 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: POLAR nous50Pendleton, Steve
Index Norway First-Issue Block Once Insulated a Building p. 1, 42 NORWAY: Scott 1 nous50Haeseler, Rob
Index Albino 20c Libraries, Foldover Christmas Reported; Six Other Color- Missing Errors Also Come to Light p. 1, 40 United States: Errors Freaks and Oddities, Scott 1254, 1394, 1424, 1525, 2154, 2343 us50Snee, Charles
Index Breast Cancer Semipostal May Be Extended Six Years p. 1, 15 United States: Scott B1 us50McAllister, Bill
Index CSAC [politically correct letter] p. 4 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service, CSAC, Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee us50Hotchner, John M.
Index Ameripex Color-Missing Error Surfaces in Wisconsin p. 8 United States: Scott 2219, Errors Freaks and Oddities us50Snee, Charles
Index USPS Heist Suspect Nabbed in Seattle p. 11 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service, THEFT us50McAllister, Bill
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 12 United States: Scott 463a, EKU, Earliest Known Usage us50Weiss, Larry S. & Jerry Nylander
Index Canada's Millennium Stamp Book Discount Postage to Some Offices p. 12 CANADA: CANADA POST nous50unsigned
Index Pintail Special Cancel Available p. 12 United States: Scott RW us50unsigned
Index Postal Service's Key Rival to Retire p. 16 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us50McAllister, Bill
Index Mounties Get Their Men in Nigerian Mail Scam p. 16 NIGERIA: Forgery, Forgeries and Counterfeits nous50Miller, Rick
Index 74th Stamp Day [May 25 01] p. 20 HUNGARY: Scott 3762-3763 nous51Denise McCarty
Index Fantasy Stamps Lampoon British Designs p. 22 CINDERELLA: nous50Lester Winick
Index Stamps Mark Tuvalu's Internet Deal [Apr 30 01] p. 27 TUVALU: Scott 852-854 nous52Sharpe, William F.
Index Gibraltar Queen Elizabeth Definitives [Jun 1 01] p. 41 GIBRALTAR: Scott 885-886 nous50unsigned
Index Junior Duck Stamp Program Good for Kids, Hobby p. 42 United States: Revenues, Tennessee, DUCK us50Bob Dumaine
Index 40-Year-Old 4c Mercury Exhibit to Be Reborn at 2002 Show [Douglas Kelsey] p. 42 United States: Scott 1193 us50unsigned
Index Food Stamps from Isle of Man, South Korea [Jun 15 01] p. 229 South Korea: ROK, Scott 2056 nous51Denise McCarty