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Journal / Periodical
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24 June 2002; Vol: 75 Iss: 3843
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24 Jun 2002
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Vol 75 Iss: 3843
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Index '2002' Year Date Is Key Feature of New 23c Washington Stamps p. 1, 10 United States: Scott 3468B us54Snee, Charles
Index Strip of Four Unissued Hat Stamps Comes to Light; Total Number of Known Stamps Now Stands at Six p. 1, 33 United States: CINDERELLA, UNISSUED us54Snee, Charles
Index Heroes Ceremony in Battery Park p. 2 United States: Scott B2 us54unsigned
Index Krygyzstan Illegals p. 2 KRYGYZSTAN: CINDERELLA nous54unsigned
Index Canada Third Quarter Stamp Review p. 2 CANADA: nous54unsigned
Index Foreign Rates to Go Up in 2003 p. 2 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates us54unsigned
Index Results of Linn's 2002 Subscriber Survey p. 3 PUBLICATIONS: LINNS nous54unsigned
Index Two Tagging Types for 34c Liberty p. 8 United States: Scott 3476 us54Robert Rabinowitz
Index Congress Takes on Bypass Mail in Alaska p. 11 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us54McAllister, Bill
Index 1950 Baja California Cover Took Month-long Odyssey p. 12 MEXICO: Postal Markings nous54Pulver, Dale
Index Handling Cost Increases for Uncacheted FDCs p. 14 United States: First Day Cover us54deVries, Lloyd
Index Clowns, Circus Performers on Europa Stamps [May 22 2002] p. 16 SWEDEN: Scott 2439 nous55Denise McCarty
Index Third-Class Rates Helped Mail-Order Firms Grow p. 22 United States: Postal History, THIRD CLASS us54Graham, Richard B.
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 32 United States: Scott 499f, EKU, Earliest Known Usage us54Weiss, Larry S. & Berkun, Alan
Index UPU Coordinates Worldwide Postal Services p. 34 UPU, Universal Postal Union: SURVEY nous54Wunderly, Kathleen
Index Building Lines [letter] p. 36 SOUTH AFRICA: Scott 258-258a nous54Mark C. Hagan
Index Adding Advertising Covers Enhances a Collection p. 40 CANADA: Ohio, ADVERTISING nous54Burnett, John