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05 August 2002; Vol: 75 Iss: 3849
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5 Aug 2002
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Vol 75 Iss: 3849
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Index David Feldman to Auction Entire UNPA Stamp Archive p. 1 UNITED NATIONS: UNPA nous55Denise McCarty
Index New PC Postage to Come in Sheets p. 2 United States: PC - Computer us55McAllister, Bill
Index Full Content of Linn's Soon to Be Online p. 3 PUBLICATION: LINN'S nous55Laurence, Michael
Index Postal Mailing Centers [letter] p. 4 United States: Scott CVP32-33 us55Michael B. Lipson
Index Stamp Soaker [letter] p. 4 UNITED STATES: Scott 3052E us55Dick McLane
Index Readers Respond to Coast Guard Column Item p. 6 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SHIP nous55Hotchner, John M.
Index Sales Figures Show Solid Success for First U.S. Semipostal Stamp p. 8 United States: Scott B1 us55Miller, Rick
Index Greetings Top Hong Kong Poll p. 8 CHINA: HONG KONG nous55unsigned
Index Treasury Department Allows Importing of Used Cuban Stamps p. 8 CUBA: nous55Denise McCarty
Index Smithsonian's National Postal Museum a Triumph p. 10 United States: MUSEUM us55James Carson
Index Security Features on Chinese Stamps p. 11 CHINA: PRC, Scott 2937, Forgery, Forgeries and Counterfeits nous55Fang Ziang
Index USPS Comes Under Attack for Rate Increases p. 12 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service us55McAllister, Bill
Index Carrier and Local Stamps Offer Challenges p. 16 United States: Scott 75L1 us55Bowman, John D.
Index Carrier and Local Stamps Offer Challenges p. 16 United States: Scott 149L1 us55Bowman, John D.
Index Carrier and Local Stamps Offer Challenges p. 16 United States: Scott 15L3 us55Bowman, John D.
Index Carrier and Local Stamps Offer Challenges p. 16 United States: Scott 40L1 us55Bowman, John D.
Index German Youth Stamp Foundation [Jun 6 2002] p. 18 GERMANY: Scott B902-906 nous55Denise McCarty
Index FIP Restores Award for Downgraded Exhibit p. 20 PHILATELIST: WOO, ARTHUR nous55Lester Winick
Index U.S. Registerd Mail Changed during 1910-11 p. 24 United States: Postal History, REGISTERY us55Graham, Richard B.
Index Informative Web Site Needs Updating p. 25 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER, INTERNET nous55Sharpe, William F.
Index 1857 Opium-trade Cover Shows How Little Times Have Changed p. 28 INDIA: Postal History nous55Haeseler, Rob
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 31 United States: Scott 503, EKU, Earliest Known Usage us55Weiss, Larry S.
Index Bela Lugosi, Actor and Stamp Collector p. 37 United States: Scott 3169 us55Richard Thomas