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14 March 2005; Vol: 78 Iss: 3985
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14 Mar 2005 (blank)
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Vol 78 Iss: 3985
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Index Misperforated stamps worthy of attention and study pp. 42-43 United States: Revenues, PERFORATION PND71Michael J. Morrissey
Index New Zealand postmarks evoke Tolkien's Middle Earth pp. 46-47 NEW ZEALAND: Postal Markings PND71Pendleton, Steve
Index Remote island [Feb 21 2005] p 20 TRISTAN DA CUNHA: Scott 765-766 PNDX72Denise McCarty
Index Martin FDCs, postal history in joint Siegel-McCusker auction p. 1, 50 United States: First Days PND71Denise McCarty
Index New 37c Spring Flowers [Mar 15 2005] p. 1, 34 United States: Scott 3900 PND71Denise McCarty
Index Canada Post adds Oscar Peterson: stamp will honor living jazz great [ Aug 15 2005] p. 1 CANADA: Scott 2118 PNDX74unsigned
Index Create your own magic with new British stamps [Mar 15 2005] p. 1, 48 Great Britain: Scott 2273-2277 PNDX72unsigned
Index 50c TD Bank stamp notes 150th anniversary [Mar18 2005] p. 2 CANADA: Scott 2094 PNDX72Miller, Rick
Index Postcard product looks like postage but isn't p. 3 United States: PVI PND71Schreiber, Michael
Index USAFA Precancel p. 6 United States: PRECANCEL PND71Hotchner, John M.
Index 15c Holmes booklet panes found with splicing tape p. 6 United States: Booklets PND71Hotchner, John M.
Index Could next U.S. letter-rate increase be only 2c? p. 9 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PND71McAllister, Bill
Index Two Illinois towns dedicated 37c Ronald Reagan stamp p. 10 United States: Scott 3897 PND71Steven J. Bahnson
Index U.S. stamp facts p. 12 UNITED STATES: Scott 634A PND71Stotts, Jay B.
Index Rob Haeseler joins APS staff as director of administration p. 12 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: APS, American Philatelic Society PND71unsigned
Index Mondale and Miho named to CSAC p. 14 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), CSAC, Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee PND71McAllister, Bill
Index Photostamps remain in limbo p. 15 UNITED STATES: STAMPS.COM, Photostamps, Personalized Postage PND71McAllister, Bill
Index Gene Scott, 1929-2005 p. 16 PHILATELIST: SCOTT, GENE PND71Snee, Charles
Index Soccer mascot [Nov 14 2004] p. 20 GERMANY: Scott B948-952 PNDX73Denise McCarty
Index Are international stamp exhibitions on the decline? p. 26 EXHIBITIONS: WASHINGTON 2006 PND71Lester Winick
Index How to identify U.S. second-class mail paid with stamps p. 28 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates PND71Anthony Wawrukiewicz
Index Resurgence of regional postage stamps, The p. 38 Great Britain: PND71Miller, Rick
Index Sardinia issued newspaper stamps in 1861 p. 39 ITALIAN STATES: SARDINIA, Scott P1-2 PND71Robert E. Lana
Index British royals: a family of stamp collectors p. 41 CANADA: NEWFOUNDLAND, Scott 111 PND71James C. Johnston Jr
Index High-denomination stamps not in U.K. post offices p. 44 Great Britain: Scott MH170 PND71Alderfer, David
Index Two 1c parcel post uses flank USPOD rule change p. 45 United States: Scott Q1 PND71Fricke, Charles A.