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Journal / Periodical
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11 April 2005; Vol: 78 Iss: 3989
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11 Apr 2005 (blank)
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Vol 78 Iss: 3989
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Key Words 
Index 'Entered as second-class mail' a key phrase pp. 50-51 Great Britain: Postal History, REGULATION PND71Wawrukiewicz, Tony
Index Remailed postal cards served as payment receipts pp. 12-13 United States: Postal Stationery PND71Fricke, Charles A.
Index Insider says 'magnetic person' owns the Three Skillings Banco p. 1, 41 SWEDEN: Scott 1 PND71Schreiber, Michael
Index Strip of five unissued Hat stamps brings $15,750; stamps bear strikes of Greencastle, Ind., postmark p. 1, 18 United States: YELLOW HAT PND71Snee, Charles
Index Tagged Sea Coast rolls found; bulk-mail trail leads to source p. 1, 39 United States: Scott 3785b PND71Robert Rabinowitz
Index Czeslaw Slania, 1921-2005 p. 2 ENGRAVERS: SLANIA, CZESLAW PND71unsigned
Index Czeslaw Slania was artist as well as engraver p. 3 ENGRAVERS: SLANIA, CZESLAW PND71Schreiber, Michael
Index Early mixed-quadrant printing p. 6 UNITED STATES: Scott Q PND71Hotchner, John M.
Index 37c Ronald Reagan, 37c Bouquet Love join 2005 EKU list p. 8 United States: Scott 3987, 3898, EKU Earliest Known Usage PND71Snee, Charles
Index Postal Service reports greater philatelic sales p. 10 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PND71McAllister, Bill
Index U.S. stamp facts p. 14 United States: Scott 638 PND71Stotts, Jay B.
Index Alexander Kroo, 1923-2005 p. 15 PHILATELIST: KROO, ALEXANDER PND71unsigned
Index Congo depicts 'miracle tree' on six stamps [Feb 3 2005] p. 16 Topical: FLORA, TREE PND71Denise McCarty
Index Monaco electric cars [Apr 1 2005] p. 16 Topical: AUTOMOBILE PND71Denise McCarty
Index Spain monumental trees [Jan 17 2005] p. 16 Topical: FLORA, TREE PND71Denise McCarty
Index Electronic mail delivery system used for Marines in Middle East p. 22 United States: Postal History, MILITARY, Marine Corps PND71unsigned
Index Revel in the myriad pleasures of stamp collecting p. 24 PHILATELY: PND71Lester Winick
Index Italian airmail flights avoided British censorship p. 28 ITALY: Air Mail PND71Robert E. Lana
Index Potatio stamps meant heavy tax burden for growers p. 34 United States: Scott RI1-13 PND71Michael J. Morrissey
Index Separation: perforation, roulettes, die cuts p. 36 PERFORATION: PND71Miller, Rick
Index Yemeni civil war produced rival stamp issues YEMEN: PND71Carlson R. Chambliss
Index APS hall of fame adds Strandell, Bruns, Stone, Munk p. 43 PHILATELIST: BRUNS Jr, FRANKLIN R. PND71American Phlatelic Society
Index APS hall of fame adds Strandell, Bruns, Stone, Munk p. 43 PHILATELIST: MUNK, HERBERT PND71American Phlatelic Society
Index APS hall of fame adds Strandell, Bruns, Stone, Munk p. 43 PHILATELIST: STONE, LAUSON H. PND71American Phlatelic Society
Index APS hall of fame adds Strandell, Bruns, Stone, Munk p. 43 PHILATELIST: STRANDELL, NILS PND71American Phlatelic Society
Index Color confusion gave rise to orange Queen Victoria p. 45 Great Britain: Scott 73 PND71Alderfer, David
Index Randy Neil awarded Elizabeth Pope medal p. 47 PHILATELIST: NEIL, RANDY L. PND71unsigned