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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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02 May 2005; Vol: 78 Iss: 3992
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2 May 2005 (blank)
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Vol 78 Iss: 3992
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Index Yale University to host May 4 first-day ceremony for four 37c American Scientiests commemoratives p. 1, 32-33 United States: Scott 3906-3909a PNDX72Snee, Charles
Index Canada will issue stamp May 6 for opening of new war museum p. 1, 13 CANADA: Scott 2108 PNDX73Miller, Rick
Index Vatican's Sede Vacante stamps sell out after only five days p. 1 VATICAN CITY: Scott 1292-1294 PNDX72unsigned
Index Stamps illustrate long reign of Prince Rainier p. 2 Topical: ROYALTY PND71Miller, Rick
Index Stuck-down stamps: soak them or sell them Stamp restoration, Gum Schreiber, Michael
Index Rodriguez Hildalgos at Collectors Club May 21 p. 3 PHILATELIST: RODRIGUEZ, OMAR J. PND71unsigned
Index All-in-one handstamp for damaged covers p. 6 United States: Postal History, WRECK PND71Hotchner, John M.
Index Breast Cancer semipostal leads sales figures p. 8 United States: Scott B1 PND71unsigned
Index Postal official optimistic about future of U.S. photostamps p. 8 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PND71McAllister, Bill
Index Map stamps and transcontinental airmail p. 12 United States: Scott C5-7 PND71Douglas Kelsey
Index Patrick Donahoe named 18th U.S. deputy PMG p. 14 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS), Postmaster General PND71McAllister, Bill
Index Postal rules change alarms nonprofit mailers p. 16 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PND71McAllister, Bill
Index Tip of the Week p. 18 BAHRAIN: Scott MR1 PND71David Kols
Index Get 6c carmine Abe Lincoln stamp p. 18 United States: Scott 148 PND71David Kols
Index New Zealand celebrates stamp anniversary [Apr 6 2005] p. 20 NEW ZEALAND: Scott 2003-2007 PNDX75Denise McCarty
Index Imperial post office in Jerusalem [Apr 22 2005] p. 20 AUSTRIA: Scott 2008 PNDX75Denise McCarty
Index Canada's prime ministers: a popular topical pursuit p. 30 Topical: CANADIANA PND71Burnett, John
Index Official seal variety [letter] p. 36 United States: Scott OX11 PND71Bruce D. Dod
Index Technical details for Canada's 50c Bridges; liner release paper also pictures bridges p. 42 CANADA: Scott 2100-2103 PNDX73unsigned
Index How to search the Internet for topical stamps p. 43 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER, INTERNET PND71Sharpe, William F.
Index U.S. stamp facts p. 45 United States: Scott 641 PND71Stotts, Jay B.