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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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09 May 2005; Vol: 78 Iss: 3993
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9 May 2005 (blank)
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Vol 78 Iss: 3993
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Index Business reply mailings show creative use of stamps pp. 12-13 UNITED STATES: Postal History, BUSINESS REPLY PNDX72Ronald S. Blanks
Index Revenue stamped paper can spice up your collection p. 46-47 United States: Revenues PNDX72Michael J. Morrissey
Index Scarce 2c Harding found in massive stamp hoard p. 1, 36 UNITED STATES: Scott 613 PNDX72Snee, Charles
Index Austrian 3-kreuzer red error in Corinphila auction May 21 p. 1, 47 AUSTRIA: Scott 29c PNDX72Miller, Rick
Index Die-cutting miscue yields errors on one side of New Year pane p. 1, 55 United States: Scott 3895 PNDX72Snee, Charles
Index Finished blue Prince Consort essay tops $70,000 p. 2 Great Britain: ESSAYS PNDX72Miller, Rick
Index U.S. corner guideline singles a lifelong quest p. 3 United States: PLATE MARKINGS PNDX72Michael Schrieber
Index U.S. personalized stamps to ride again p. 3 UNITED STATES: STAMPS.COM, Photostamps, Personalized Postage PNDX72McAllister, Bill
Index Hauler of U.S. mail donates $300,000 to postal musuem for star route exhibit p. 8 United States: MUSEUM PNDX72McAllister, Bill
Index Azerbaijan denounces stamps of Nagorno-Karabakh p. 10 AZERBAIJAN: PNDX72unsigned
Index Military 'rodeos' support troops [illus] p. 15 United States: Postal Markings, MILITARY PNDX72unsigned
Index USPS institutionalizes post office dedications p. 16 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX72McAllister, Bill
Index Mother's Day [Apr 20 2005] p. 20 ESTONIA: Scott, 510 PNDX73Denise McCarty
Index Designer Buzin [Apr 2 2005] p. 20 BELGIUM: Scott B1172 PNDX75Denise McCarty
Index Commission merchants left behind many covers p. 34 United States: Postal History, ADVERTISING PNDX72David A. Norris
Index Unassuming folded letter reveals suicidal desperation p. 42 Great Britain: Postal History PNDX72Alderfer, David
Index Here's how to find collectible modern cards, covers p. 44 United States: Postal History PNDX72Wawrukiewicz, Tony
Index Demonitized stamp not allowed p. 48 ITALIAN STATES: LOMBARDY-VENETIA, Scott 4 PNDX72Robert E. Lana
Index U.S. stamp facts p. 53 United States: Scott 642 PNDX72Stotts, Jay B.