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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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23 May 2005; Vol: 78 Iss: 3995
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23 May 2005 (blank)
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Vol 78 Iss: 3995
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Index Mexico's early airmail service of the 1920s pp. 50-51 MEXICO:Air Mail PNDX72Pulver, Dale
Index Rare Portuguese India stamp in May 24 David Feldman sale p. 1, 24 PORTUGUESE INDIA: Scott 7A PNDX72Snee, Charles
Index Two new Art Canada stamps picture Watson landscapes [May 27 2005] p. 1, 34 CANADA: Scott 2109-2110 PNDX73Miller, Rick
Index Allan Steinhart covers in HA Harmers sale May 28 p. 2 CANADA: Postal History PNDX72Miller, Rick
Index U.S. personalized stamps are here to stay p. 3 UNITED STATES: STAMPS.COM, Photostamps, Personalized Postage PNDX72Schreiber, Michael
Index Booklet includes one inverted booklet pane p. 6 United States: BOOKLETS, EFO Errors Freaks and Oddities PNDX72Hotchner, John M.
Index B-in-circle marking: a precancel, or something else? p. 10 United States: Postal Markings PNDX72Fricke, Charles A.
Index Nonprofits, Postal Service make peace p. 10 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX72McAllister, Bill
Index 5c Small Queen offers colors, perforations, more p. 12 CANADA: Scott 39 PNDX72Burnett, John
Index James M. Keally, 1916-2005 p. 13 Dealers: KEALLY, JAMES M. PNDX72unsigned
Index Hard lessons learned from Pacific Explorer 2005 p. 15 EXHIBITIONS: PACIFIC EXPLORER 2005 PNDX72Lester Winick
Index Stamps commemorate liberation of camps [May 6 2005] p. 22 AUSTRIA: Scott 2011 PNDX75Denise McCarty
Index Stamps commemorate liberation of camps [May 7 2005] p. 22 BELGIUM: Scott 2082-2084 PNDX74Denise McCarty
Index Make reservations early for Americover show p. 30 EXHIBITIONS: AMERICOVER 2005 PNDX72deVries, Lloyd
Index Vichy issued its colonial stamps in France p. 36 FRENCH COLONIES: PNDX72Miller, Rick
Index Early years of AIDS and AIDS research, The p. 46 Topical: MEDICINE PNDX72George A. Wistreich
Index U.S. stamp facts p. 49 United States: Scott 644 PNDX72Stotts, Jay B.
Index New personalized stamps similar to those of 2004; Postal Service does not consider them to be 'stamps p. 1 18 UNITED STATES: STAMPS.COM, Photostamps, Personalized Postage PNDX72McAllister, Bill