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Journal / Periodical
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05 June 2005; Vol: 78 Iss: 3997
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5 Jun 2005 (blank)
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Vol 78 Iss: 3997
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Index Automated postal center stamps a work in progress pp. 32-33 United States: METER, ATM PNDX72Ronald S. Blanks
Index Blossoms garden sheet hit-or-miss in the mailstream pp. 12-13 United States: Scott U657 PNDX72Snee, Charles
Index British set honors Trooping the Color parade and public observence of the queen's birthday [Jun7 2005] p. 1, 48 Great Britain: Scott 2288-2293 PNDX73unsigned
Index 50c Search and Rescue stamps salute military and civilians [Jun 13 2005] p. 1, 35 CANADA: Scott 2111 PNDX73Miller, Rick
Index John Lennon's stamp album bought by Stanley Gibbons p. 1, 43 Topical: MUSIC, LENNON PNDX72unsigned
Index George Kramer, four others to ink names on RPSL roll p. 2 PHILATELIST: KRAMER, GEORGE PNDX72unsigned
Index 2005-06 junior duck stamp to show ring-necked duck [illus] p. 2 United States: Revenues, DUCK PNDX72unsigned
Index Linn's U.S. market index: 19th century high p. 3 United States: PNDX72Schreiber, Michael
Index Pacific Explorer 2005 [letters] p. 4 EXHIBITIONS: PACIFIC EXPLORER 2005 PNDX72Barwis, John H.|Cress, John F.
Index Personalized stamps [letter] p. 4 UNITED STATES: STAMPS.COM, Photostamps, Personalized Postage PNDX72Jim Edelman
Index Imperforates usually collected as multiples p. 6 United States: Scott 26 PNDX72Hotchner, John M.
Index Jim A. Hennok 1937-2005 p. 8 Dealers: HENNOK, JIM A. PNDX72unsigned
Index Renowned Miller collection boast nearly complete 10c 1847 plating [ illus] p. 8 United States: Scott 2 PNDX72unsigned
Index APS pursuing grant to bring stamps into classrooms p. 10 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: APS, American Philatelic Society PNDX72Snee, Charles
Index Russ Carter, Robert Kinsley received Military Postal History Society awards p. 13 PHILATELIST: CARTER, RUSS PNDX72unsigned
Index U.S. personalized stamps destined to be successful p. 15 UNITED STATES: STAMPS.COM, Photostamps, Personalized Postage PNDX72Lester Winick
Index Luxembourg [self-adhesive coil] p. 16 LUXEMBOURG: Scott 1167-1168 PNDX73Denise McCarty
Index Map stamps of 1926-27 restricted to airmail p. 18 United States: Scott C7-9 PNDX72Douglas Kelsey
Index U.S. stamp facts p. 19 United States: Scott 646 PNDX72Stotts, Jay B.
Index Postal Service in hot water over moving expenses for officials p. 20 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX72McAllister, Bill
Index 1c Liberty card mailed as local first-class letter p. 22 United States: Scott UX3 PNDX72Fricke, Charles A.
Index Buy 5-shalling rose Queen Victoria p. 28 Great Britain: Scott 57 PNDX72David Kols
Index Four mail encoding centers to close p. 30 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX72McAllister, Bill
Index Three issues of Finnish postal cards note 150th anniversary of stamps [May 26 2005] p. 33 FINLAND: Postal Stationery PNDX72unsigned
Index Current events yield modern postal history p. 36 Postal History: PNDX72Klug, Janet
Index Income tax stamps [letter] p. 38 FINLAND: Scott M1 PNDX72William B. Tuttle
Index Income tax stamps [letter] p. 38 GERMANY: Revenues, INCOME PNDX72William B. Tuttle
Index Portuguese vacation leads to image web site p. 40 PORTUGAL: PNDX72Sharpe, William F.
Index Romanian commemoratives saw little use p. 42 ROMANIA: SURVEY PNDX72Dinu G. Matei
Index Exhibits mailings good source for high-denominaiton stamps p. 62 United States: PNDX72Snee, Charles