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Journal / Periodical
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13 June 2005; Vol: 78 Iss: 3998
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13 Jun 2005 (blank)
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Vol 78 Iss: 3998
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Index Stamp collectors 'big business' to U.S. Postal Service pp. 12-13 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX72Snee, Charles
Index U.S. Express Mail, the experimental period pp. 42-43 United States: Postal History, EXPRESS MAIL PNDX72Wawrukiewicz, Tony
Index 142 U.S. officials and others got free new-issue U.S. stamps p.1, 16 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX72McAllister, Bill
Index Father's Day cinderella [1940] p 6 United States: Labels, Cinderella Material; Cluett, Peabody & Co. Inc. PNDX72Hotchner, John M.
Index 50c Ellen Fairclough salutes first woman cabineet member [Jun 21 2005] p. 1, 22 CANADA: Scott 2112 PNDX73Miller, Rick
Index second company to offer personalized postage p. 1, 39 United States: ENDICIA.COM, Photostamps, Personalized Postage PNDX72Miller, Rick
Index Error-of-color stamp on cover brings $481,910 at auction p. 1, 39 AUSTRIA: Scott 29c PNDX72Miller, Rick
Index 'Write Me' stamp packs still on sale' expired phone card in $5.99 item p. 2 CANADA: PNDX72Miller, Rick
Index Survey: stamp market roared back in 2004 p. 3 PHILATELY: PNDX72Schreiber, Michael
Index Counterfeit postal money orders on the rise p. 8 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX72unsigned
Index H.R. Harmer U.S. auction: PSE grading for all stamps p. 8 United States: Scott 274 PNDX72Miller, Rick
Index American Philatelic Society dedicates airmail monument p. 10 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION:APS, American Philatelic Society PNDX72unsigned
Index U.S. stamp facts p. 13 United States: Scott 647 PNDX72Stotts, Jay B.
Index Italy, Pakistan marked first ascent of peak K-2 p. 18 ITALY: Scott 2616 PNDX72Robert E. Lana
Index Peter Langmead 1919-2005 p. 18 PHILATELIST: LANDMEAD, PETER PNDX72unsigned
Index Stamp shows new animal found in Greenland [June 20 2005] p. 20 GREENLAND: Scott 456-458 PNDX73Denise McCarty
Index Hefty Machin mix yields neat cancels, perfins, more p. 30 Great Britain: MACHIN PNDX72Alderfer, David
Index Seebeck made many cheap stamps for collectors p. 34 SEEBECK: PNDX72Miller, Rick
Index Improper uses of proprietary, playing card stamps p. 35 United States: Revenues PNDX72Michael J. Morrissey