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10 October 2005; Vol: 78 Iss: 4015
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10 Oct 2005 (blank)
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Vol 78 Iss: 4015
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Index Look closely and you can see Queen Elizabeth pp. 50-51 Topical: ROYALTY PNDX74Alderfer, David
Index Second block of 20 brings Yellow Hat census to 62; from Priority Mail envelope mailed in October 2001 p. 1, 37 United States: HAT PNDX74Snee, Charles
Index Postal Service plans to hike international postage rates p. 1, 24 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX74McAllister, Bill
Index Canada [Oct 13]-China Big Cats issue includes die-cut maple leaf p. 1, 44 CANADA: Scott 2125-2126 PNDX75Miller, Rick
Index 2006-07 U.S. duck stamp to showcase Ross's geese [illus] p. 2 United States: Scott RW PNDX74unsigned
Index New look, new size for Linn's starting in 2006 p. 3 PUBLICATION: LINN'S PNDX74Schreiber, Michael
Index Freaks, oddities on local precancels not so special p. 6 United States: PRECANCEL, EFO Errors Freaks and Oddities PNDX74Hotchner, John M.
Index $3.85 Priority Mail stamped envelope variety p. 8 United States: POSTAL STATIONERY, PRIORITY MAIL PNDX74Lawrence, Ken
Index Postal Service's canceling office had busy summer with FDCs p. 13 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX74deVries, Lloyd
Index Postcodes for Andorran parishes p. 14 ANDORRA: Postal History, POSTCODE PNDX74Miller, Rick
Index U.S. stamp facts p. 15 United States: Scott 665 PNDX74Stotts, Jay B. & Vicky Hadley
Index Board of governors opposes postal reform legislation p. 16 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX74McAllister, Bill
Index Australian wine industry [Jul 19 2005] p. 20 AUSTRALIA: Scott 2405-2411 PNDX74Denise McCarty
Index Hurricane Rita halts some mail p. 21 United States: Postal History, Texas PNDX74unsigned
Index Presidential Libraries postmark mix-up p. 22 United States: Scott 3930 PNDX74Bigalke, Jay
Index New die-cut variety for 37c Flag coil p. 24 United States: Scott 3532A PNDX74Snee, Charles
Index 37c Let's dance stamps bear correct accent marks p. 26 United States: Scott 3939-3942 PNDX74McAllister, Bill
Index U.N. series shows children's peace designs [Sep 21 2005] p. 30 United Nations: Scott 892-893 PNDX75unsigned
Index U.S. nonstandard surcharge begin in July 1979 p. 36 United States: Postal History, Postal Rates PNDX74Wawrukiewicz, Tony
Index Stamp identification often lurks in watermark.. p. 38 WATERMARKS: PNDX74Miller, Rick
Index Al Rifa'i Mosque [letter] p. 40 EGYPT: Scott 1059A PNDX74Joe Kennedy
Index 'Red Tent' polar searchers produced covers p. 42 Topical: POLAR PNDX74Robert E. Lana
Index Stamped paper facsimiles an affordable sideline p. 55 United States: Revenues, FACSIMILE PNDX74Michael J. Morrissey