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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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02 January 2006; Vol: 79 Iss: 4027
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2 Jan 2006
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Vol 79 Iss: 4027
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Index Jim Griffith's web site features live United States stamp album pp. 40-41 TECHNIQUE: COMPUTER PNDX75Sharpe, William F.
Index Canada Post salutes New Year with Year of the Dog stamp and souvenir sheet [Jan 6 06] p. 1, 32 Topical: MAMMAL, DOG PNDX75Miller, Rick
Index Fay Wray commemorative joins Canadian 2006 stamp program [May 26 06] p. 1 Topical: CINEMA PNDX75unsigned
Index New size, new design among many changes p. 3 PUBLICATION: LINN'S PNDX75Michael Schrieber
Index Rarest U.S. stamp [letter] p. 4 United States: Scott 164 PNDX75Larry Sherman
Index Liberty loan bond postcard promotions on postcards applied by mail p. 6 United States: Picture Post Card PNDX75Hotchner, John M.
Index 37c Deciduous Forest and 37 Child Health newest additions to U.S. 2005 early-use list p. 10 United States: Scott 3938 PNDX75Snee, Charles
Index Robert Payne 1927-2005 p. 10 PHILATELIST: PAYNE, ROBERT PNDX75unsigned
Index When were the nondenominated (39c) Liberty and Flag stamps available? p. 12 United States: Scott 3965-3975a PNDX75Bigalke, Jay
Index Stamps for tsunami aid, 19th century immigrants, modern refugees Thailand, Argentina, Denmark McCarty, Denise
Index U.S. Postal Service seeks trademark for its new poney express logo p. 20 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX75McAllister, Bill
Index U.S. Postal Service seeks trademark for its new pony express logo United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index APS Board amends job description in search for new executive p. 28 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: APS, American Philatelic Society PNDX75Wunderly, Kathleen
Index 24 cent Curtis Jenny: review of basic facts for the first U.S. airmail United States: Scott C3, Air Mail Kelsey, Doug
Index 24c Curtis Jenny: review of basic facts for the first U.S. airmail p. 34 United States: Scott C3 PNDX75Douglas Kelsey