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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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09 January 2006; Vol: 79 Iss: 4028
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9 Jan 2006
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Vol 79 Iss: 4028
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Index U.S., U.K. joint issue features favorite animals from children's books p. 44-45 UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN: Joint Issues, Topical Collecting, Animals, Literature McCarty, Denise
Index UPU sponsored design contest for new IRC's p.62 Universal Postal Union UPU: International Reply Coupons PNDX75unsigned
Index X-planes, Jonas Salk, Smoky Mountains, featured on stamps for new 2006 rates p. 1, 34 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX75Bigalke, Jay
Index New 24c Common Buckeye, 39c American Crops added to 2006 U.S. stamp program p. 1, 15 Topical: INSECT PNDX75Bigalke, Jay
Index New 39c Winter Olympics stamp pictures skier and Olympic rings [Jan 11 06] p. 2 Topical: SPORT, OLYMPIC PNDX75Bigalke, Jay
Index Flood of new stamps keeps interest high p. 3 PHILATELY: PNDX75Schreiber, Michael
Index Mary Ann Owens [letter] p. 4 PHILATELIST: OWENS, MARY ANN PNDX75Gerald Tierney
Index Here are 15 New Year's resolutions to boost your enjoyment of stamps p. 6 PHILATELY: PNDX75Hotchner, John M.
Index Canada Post marks Queen Elizabeth 80th birthday with stamp Jan 12 p. 8 Topical: ROYALTY PNDX75Miller, Rick
Index Raymond Loewy's design of 1970s remains Postal Service official seal p. 10 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) 1209 PNDX75McAllister, Bill
Index 1c Andrew Jackson regular issue stamp used for makeup postage p. 12 United States: Scott PNDX75Anthony Wawrukiewicz
Index Army unit locates Hawaiian time capsule p. 12 HAWAII: Scott 32 PNDX75unsigned
Index U.S. stamp facts p. 14 United States: Scott 679 PNDX75Stotts, Jay B. & Vicky Hadley
Index Look for two white lines on Two Penny Blue stamp of 1841 p. 18 Great Britain: Scott 4 PNDX75Alderfer, David
Index New tagging-omitted errors p. 20 United States: Scott 2217a PNDX75unsigned
Index NIfty stamp like label on 2002 wine bottle illustrates pair of ducks p. 20 CINDERELLA MATERIAL: PNDX75Lester Winick
Index Rare beauties: wrappers and labels incorporating proprietary stamps p. 24 United States: Scott RS PNDX75Michael J. Morrissey
Index Snowman sprayed-on postmarks used at 36 post offices in December UNITED STATES: Postal Markings, Ink Jet, Spray Bigalke, Jay
Index Snowman sprayed-on postmarks used at 36 post offices in December p. 28 UNITED STATES: Postal Markings, Sprayed-on Bigalke, Jay
Index Snowman sprayed-on postmarks used at 36 post offices in December p. 28 United States: Postal Markings, MACHINE, SPRAYED-ON PNDX75Bigalke, Jay
Index Postage currency [letter] p. 38 United States: Scott PC8 PNDX75Dennis Warren
Index $5 Bret Harte definitive of 1987 still in stock at U.S. post office p. 48 United States: Scott 2196 PNDX75Snee, Charles
Index British liners error sheet sold p. 49 Great Britain: Scott 2207a PNDX75unsigned
Index Board of governors chariman Miller still opposes Postal Service monopoly p. 50 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) PNDX75McAllister, Bill
Index Get the 'Cheap Detective' airmails p. 62 NICARAGUA: Scott C801-812 PNDX75unsigned
Index Italian Risorgimento: on-cover 80c stamp, military postmark, The p. 72 ITALY: PNDX75Robert E. Lana