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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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13 March 2006; Vol: 79 Iss: 4037
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13 Mar 2006
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Vol 79 Iss: 4037
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Index Two new X-Plane stamps land March 17 at mega-event show in New York City. pp. 1, 54 UNITED STATES: X-15 rocket plane, Priority Mail, Express Mail Snee, Charles
Index Michael Laurence to join Philatelic Foundation as executive director p. 10 Laurence, Michael  
Index New U.S. definitive product p. 10 United States Postal Service, "Gold Series Prestige Folder w/ cancellation", Scott ... Dove, Scott 4000-4002 Common Buckeye, Scott 4003-4017 American Crops  
Index Design orientation, size can be critical elements of a stamp's success p. 12 Stamp Design Alderfer, David
Index Missing "T" on Christmas stamp, p. 13 UNITED STATES: Christmas, Scott 1363, Errors and Varieties, Topical Collecting: Angels Snee, Charles
Index Sprayed-ons: new four bars, strawberry festival, Red Cross postmarks p. 16 UNITED STATES: Postal Markings, Sprayed-on Bigalke, Jay
Index Pan American Airways speed test occurred during 1946 Air Mail Week p. 20 UNITED STATES: Air Mail, Pan American, test flights Kelsey, Doug
Index Common sense determined handling of domestic, international airmail p. 22 UNITED STATES: Air Mail, Postal Rates Wawrukiewicz, Tony
Index Pan African Postal Union signs agreement with Albertino de Figueiredo foundation p. 25 Pan African Postal Union: Illegal Issues  
Index Sardinian postage stamps used on Italian mail after formation of Italy p. 35 Italy: Kingdom of Sardinia, Italian States Robert E. Lana
Index Postcard from Canal Zone sent using pair of Panamanian stamps p. 38 CANAL ZONE, PANAMA: Fricke, Charles
Index Many different postal authorities issued stamps for occupied Germany p. 42 OCCUPATION OF GERMANY: Post World War II Klug, Janet
Index Legends of the West envelope p. 44 UNITED STATES: Scott 2870, Legends of the West, Collecting - Arrangement and Mounting Collectors Forum
Index Taxpaids: stamps for cigarettes, cigars denominated in product units p. 50 UNITED STATES: Revenues, Taxpaids Morrissey, Michael J.