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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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24 April 2006; Vol: 79 Iss: 4043
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24 Apr 2006
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Vol 79 Iss: 4043
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Index Ten Grinnell Missionaries mounted on small card p. 3 Hawaii: Grinnell Missionaries, Washington 2006, Mystic Stamp Company Schreiber, Michael
Index Postal Service warns over anti-war personalized stamps p. 8 UNITED STATES: Personalized postage, Photostamps McAllister, Bill
Index Smaller locations around the country begin using sprayed-on postmarks p. 10 UNITED STATES: Postal Markings, Ink Jet, Spray, Sprayed-on Bigalke, Jay
Index Shattuck family's Grinnells are from 71 stamps photographed in 1920s p. 12 Hawaii: Grinnell, Missionaries Culhane, Patrick
Index Postal Service imposes 99c surcharge for chicks, live animals p. 13 United States Postal Service: Postal Rates [Ref: PB Feb 16, 2006] 
Index Easter stamps feature chicks, eggs, whips and buckets of water p. 22 Topical Collecting: Easter, Poultry McCarty, Denise
Index Stamps and covers preserve legacy of Antarctic's famous huskies p. 34 Topical Collecting: Dogs, Huskies Pendleton, Steve
Index Author buys illustrated advertising covers for various collections p. 37 United States: Postal History, ADVERTISING Burnett, John
Index Year dates on British stamps: microprinting, tagging on recent issues p. 40 Great Britain, Northern Ireland: Microprinting, Luminescent and Tagged Issues Bigalke, Jay
Index Postal Service sets stringent requirements for digital color postmarks p. 48 United States: Postal Markings, Handstamp, Pictorial, First Days, Digital Color de Vries, Lloyd
Index Collectors Club to honor Patricia Stilwell Walker with Lichtenstein award p. 55 Collectors Club of New York: Biographies, Awards and Honors