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29 May 2006; Vol: 79 Iss: 4048
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29 May 2006
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Vol 79 Iss: 4048
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Index Spanish authorities shut down Afinsa, Forum stamp-investing programs p. 2 Spain: Investment and Speculation, Afinsa Bienes Tangibles S.A.; Forum Filatelico; Escala McAllister, Bill
Index Beautiful stamps require no promise of any return p. 3 Buying and Selling: Grading; Pricing; Scarsdale Collection; Cohen, Alan Schreiber, Michael
Index Bountiful harvest of 39c American Crops stamps yields 15 varieties p. 10 United States: American Crops, Scott 4003-4017 Bigalke, Jay
Index Rate commission rules against Postal Service in Express Mail case p. 22 United States: Postal Rates; Carlson, Douglas F. McAllister, Bill
Index Postal Service intends to issue more letter sheets after rate increase p. 24 United States: Postal Stationery McAllister, Bill
Index Hidden images appear on 44 U.S. stamps issued during 1997-2004 p. 26 United States: USPS, United States Postal Service, Hidden Images [Chart lists Hidden images on United States stamps 1997-2004]Snee, Charles
Index U.S. Art of Disney: Magic theme revealed at Romance stamp ceremony p. 30 United States: Topical Collecting, Disney; First Days McKillip, Mike
Index Autographs, ceremony programs and even Franklin at first-day event p. 32 United States: Benjamin Franklin; First Days; Scott Bigalke, Jay
Index Digital color first-day postmarks for Washington 2006 stamp issues p. 36 United States: Postal Markings, Handstamp, Pictorial, First Days, Digital Color [Wonders of America, Samuel de Champlain, $8 Washington 2006 souvenir sheet, Distinguished American Diplomats]Bigalke, Jay
Index Grinnell Hawaiian Missionary stamps at APS summer seminar June 5 p. 37 Hawaii: Grinnell; Missionaries; Sundman, Donald; Mystic Stamp Company  
Index Refresher Course: Many pleasures and pitfalls in collecting the whole world 1840 to 1940 p. 38 COLLECTING: Titford, Michael
Index Astronaut, race car driver and Mickey Mouse at Washington 2006 show p. 45 International Exhibitions: Washington 2006; Hartsfield, Henry; Green, David  
Index Walinski to present Coros lecture May 30 at Washingon 2006 show p. 46 Topical Collecting: Pope John Paul II [Ordering information for Walinski's book included, "John Paul II on Postage Stamps of the World 1978-2003"]