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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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23 October 2006; Vol: 79 Iss: 4069
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23 Oct 2006
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Vol 79 Iss: 4069
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Index Canada Post's new Hungarian, Canada Post commemorative envelopes have sealed flaps and cancels printed at the same time as stamp imprints p. 2 Canada: Souvenir Envelopes  
Index U.S. aerograms will end p. 2 United States: Air Mail, Postal Stationery, Aerograms  
Index New Canadian envelopes postal but not mailable p. 3 Canada: Souvenir Envelopes Schreiber, Michael
Index Wandering cross on 2c Red Cross stamp of 1931 shown round-the-clock p. 6 United States: Scott 702 Hotchner, John M.
Index kicks off 64 National Football League personalized stamps p. 8 United States: Personalized Postage, Topical Collecting, Sports, Football Bigalke, Jay
Index Phased withdrawal to eliminate postal vending machines by 2010 p. 13 United States: Post Office Equipment, Vending Machines McAllister, Bill
Index APS campaign to focus on money for moving and housing post office p. 14 American Philatelic Society; Headsville, West Virginia, Post Office  
Index Mail recovery centers p. 15 United States Postal Service: St. Paul, Minnesota; Atlanta, Georgia Winick, Les
Index Sierra Club labels p. 15 Cinderella Material Winick, Les
Index Mailbox locations, collection times available on private Internet site p. 24 United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Starting a new collection: Hungarian overprints and occupation stamps p. 36 Hungary: Occupations, Overprints Klug, Janet
Index Richad Sine named editor of "First Days" p. 41 Editors: Sine, Richard  
Index Iceland philatelic bureau moves p. 42 ICELAND:  
Index Bar codes on UAE registered mail p. 44 United Arab Emirates: Postal Automation