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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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21 July 2008; Vol: 81 Iss: 4160
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21 Jul 2008
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Vol 81 Iss: 4160
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Index New 10c Americana imperforate error listed; three pair known of untagged percancel coil United States|Errors|Precancels|Coils|Americana Series|Scott 1617a Miller, Rick
Index Wyoming mountain on Colorado Flag stamp? United States|Design Errors|Scott McAllister, Bill
Index Sunflower letter sheet Aug. 15 United States|New Issues|Postal Stationery|Scott U Bigalke, Jay
Index Canada's 52c and $1.60 booklet stamps from Karsh set have straight-line die cuts Canada|Perforation and Separation|Topical Collecting|Hepburn, Audrey|Actors and Actresses Miller, Rick
Index How a Puerto Rico rarity fared at auction Puerto Rico|Auctions|Provisionals 5c provisional issue of Ponce, Puerto Rico, sold in 1908 for $250.Baadke, Michael
Index Lamp coil plate number spacing United States|Plate Number Coils|Scott Plate number appears on every 31st stamp, not 14th as earlier reported.Baadke, Michael
Index USPS reorganizes; processing plant consolidations considered United States Postal Service|Reorganization|Marketing|Consolidation McAllister, Bill
Index First perforated 10c American Clock coil was unintentionally untagged United States|Coils|Scott 3762|Tagging|Errors Blanks, Ronald
Index Statue of Liberty stamp collection given to French president United States|Topical Collecting|Statue of Liberty|France|Bush, President George W.|Sarkozy, Nicolas McAllister, Bill
Index Donation of 1 million stamps to APS at July 18-20 show in Columbus, Ohio American Philatelic Society|Schinbeckler, Steve|Dealers  
Index Linn's columnists Wawrukiewicz, Hotchner named to sign USPCS roll United States Philatelic Classics Society|Awards|Hotchner, John|Wawrukiewicz, Anthony  
Index Collectors discover more used counterfeit U.S. Flag stamps United States|Counterfeits|Fakes and Forgeries|Scott 4133 Bigalke, Jay
Index APS survey reveals information about members' computer use Computers|American Philatelic Society|Surveys Sharpe, William F.
Index Many varieties known on the Venezuela baseball issue of 1944 Venezuela|Scott C190, C192|Varieties|Topical Collecting|Baseball Myers, Thomas P.
Index Starling halt mail delivery United States Postal Service|Mail Delivery Starlings' annual return to roost in trees along 1600 block of Potomac Avenue SE.Winick, Les