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01 September 2008; Vol: 81 Iss: 4166
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1 Sep 2008
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Vol 81 Iss: 4166
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Index Second Flags of Our Nation coil set unfurled United States|New Issues Bigalke, Jay
Index U.S. program for 2009 honors Lincoln, Poe; Twenty stamps planned for early TV history United States|New Issues Bigalke, Jay
Index Forever stamps partly to blame United States Postal Service Re: $1 billion loss experienced in the 3rd quarter ending June 30.McAllister, Bill
Index Picking U.S. stamp subjects can't be easy United States Postal Service|Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee|Designs and Designers Baadke, Michael
Index Recollections of sending eggs and baby chicks by the mails United States Hotchner, John
Index Director of U.S. stamp services discusses soaking issues United States Postal Service|Failor, David - Director of Stamp Services|Gum|Self Adhesives|Soaking Bigalke, Jay
Index Stationery collectors puzzled over anthrax envelope defects United States|Postal Stationery|Scott U646 Federal investigators claim stamped envelopes that carried deadly anthroax spores in 2001 had unspecified printing defects that allowed them to be traced to the suspect named in the case.McAllister, Bill
Index Ducks glow green on federal stamps United States|Scott|Luminescent and Tagged Issues Bigalke, Jay
Index Ottoman Empire stamp set was primarily used as currency Turkey|Scott 459-450 Miller, Rick
Index Poll for Aussie film stamps Australia|Designs and Designers|Topical Collecting|Film|Cinema  
Index Canada, France clandestinely issue Quebec joint souvenir sheet Canada|France|Joint Issues|Topical Collecting|Quebec Miller, Rick
Index Chinese provisional postage dues are hard to find on cover China|Provisionals|Postage Dues Rogers, Michael
Index Postnet bar code gets two-year extension United States Postal Service|Intelligent mail bar code|Pre-sorted Mail McAllister, Bill