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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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06 October 2008; Vol: 81 Iss: 4171
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6 Oct 2008
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Vol 81 Iss: 4171
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Index Specialist society article series examines supplementary mail United States|Supplementary Mail ref: United States Specialist articles published serially in 2007.Graham, Richard B.
Index APS president Nicholas G. Carter, 1936-2008 Obituaries|Carter, Nicholas G.  
Index Heritage Galleries re-enters stamp market Dealers|Heritage Auction Galleries|Crippe, Steven D. Miller, Rick
Index APS officers begin an unfamiliar process American Philatelic Society|Bylaws Procedure for filling a vacancy on the Board of Directors.Baadke, Michael
Index Presidential mail received at the White House in the early 1900s United States|Postal History|Roosevelt, Franklin D.|Wilson, Woodrow Featured item, figure 3, "incoming registered cover from 1917 address to Pres. Wilson, from Paraguay."Hotchner, John M.
Index Postal Service battered by 'hurricane' and 'perfect storm' says PMG Potter United States Postal Service|Potter, Postmaster General John E.|Finances Economic downturn; competition with Internet / Web. Multibillion dollar deficit.McAllister, Bill
Index Canadian Mental Health permanent semipostal debuts Oct. 6 Canada|New Issues|Topical Collecting|Mental Health|Designs and Designers Original design replaced following negative feedback.Miller, Rick
Index Pioneers honored on British Women of Distinction stamps Great Britain|New Issues|Topical Collecting|Women|Fawcett, Millicent Garrett|Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett|Stopes, Marie|Rathbone, Eleanor|Jones, Claudia|Castle, Barbara  
Index Jazz legend Camero wows D.C. crowd at Latin Jazz ceremony United States|First Days|First Day Ceremonies|New Issues|Topical Collecting|Music|Jazz|Camero, Candido McAllister, Bill
Index Libyan stamp set proclaims the glory of the Roman Empire Libya|Scott 20-31 Pictorial definitive issue of 1921.Miller, Rick