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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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10 November 2008; Vol: 81 Iss: 4176
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10 Nov 2008
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Vol 81 Iss: 4176
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Index U.S. international registration and return receipt fees from 1875 to 1925 United States|Postal Rates|Registered Mail|Return Receipt Wawrukiewicz, Tony
Index Postal Service requests no changes United States Postal Service Congress directed the Postal Regulatory Commission to define what constitutes the Postal Service's universal service obligation by the end of the year.McAllister, Bill
Index Who made the rule? [re: cut squares on postal stationery envelopes] United States|Postal Stationery|Collecting|Cut Squares Trammell, Jack [letter]
Index Four stamps from 2008 added to earliest-known-use listing United States|Scott 4221, 4249, 4264, U663, 4265, C145, 4333e, 4341, 4350 Early releases of 2008 stampsTrammell, Jack [letter]
Index Scott expands cover listings in classic specialized catalog United States|Scott Catalogue|Covers|Pricing Scott Publishing Co.
Index Lack of first-day cancel for new Tolewar stamp was an oversight United States|Scott 3756A|Varieties Bigalke, Jay
Index New postal building in Indiana has no clerks, two postal machines United States|Post Offices|Fishers, Indiana|Automated Postal Centers Bahnsen, Steve
Index Interesting 14c American Indian variety on bank tag card United States|Scott 565, 552|Postal Rates Fricke, Charles A.
Index Chief of postal inspectors resigns under cloud United States Postal Service|Lazaroff, Alexander|US Postal Inspection Service McAllister, Bill
Index British WWII airgraphs were the inspiration for U.S. V-mail Great Britain|Air Mail|Airgraphs|V-Mail|United States|World War II|Postal Stationery Norris, David A.
Index Youngblood joins Regency-Superior Youngblood, Wayne Vice president for consignor relations. 
Index Mystery solved of sender, addressee of 1812 suicide letter Great Britain|Pre-adhesive Covers Alderfer, David
Index Stamp collecting basics: stock books, albums and mounts Collecting Klug, Janet