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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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09 February 2009; Vol: 82 Iss: 4189
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9 Feb 2009
Number of Pages:
Vol 82 Iss: 4189
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Index Puzzle-piece shapes used on new British stamps honoring Charles Darwin's 200th birth anniversary Great Britain|New Issues|Topical Collecting|Darwin, Charles|Evolution|Science and Scientists|Philatelic Firsts -- Puzzle-shaped stamps Bigalke, Jay
Index Computer artist finds stamp design niche United States|Topical Collecting -- American Landmarks|New Issues -- Priority Mail $4.95, Redwood Forest, California|New Issues -- Express Mail $17.50, Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park|Designs and Designers|Cosgrove, Daniel|Priority Mail -- McAllister, Bill
Index Seabiscuit envelope revealed United States|New Issues|Topical Collecting|Animals|Horses|Postal Stationery|Scott U668 Bigalke, Jay
Index National Postal Museum is philatelic treasure United States|National Postal Museum Baadke, Michael
Index Stamp fish [card game] United States|Collecting|Games Hotchner, John M.
Index Stamp packaging from mid-20th century gives fortune-cookie advice United States|Collecting|Stamp Holders Hotchner, John M.
Index Management buyout of printers Walsall, Cartor and Courvoisier Great Britain | Printers | International Security Printers ISP Jennings, Peter
Index New U.N. definitives show Arredondo's paintings of flowers United Nations|New Issues|Designs and Designers|Arredondo, Jaime|Topical Collecting -- Flowers  
Index Edgar Allan Poe Jan. 16 first-day ceremony attracts 300 United States|New Issues|Poe, Edgar Allan|Topical Collecting|Authors Bigalke, Jay
Index British Love stamps and labels to be used on Valentine's mail Great Britain|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Love|Valentine's Day Alderfer, David
Index Special delivery mail with 'Forwarded, fee not claimed' auxiliary marking United States|Postal Markings -- Auxiliary Markings Wawrukiewicz, Tony
Index Recent stamps show glowing lighthouses, morphing animals New Zealand|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Lighthouses|Philatelic Firsts -- glow-in-the-dark ink|Singapore|Philatelic Firsts -- "offset lithography with high reflective index transparent hologram with morphing effect." McCarty, Denise
Index IGPC announces Obama series Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corp.|New Issues|Antigua|Dominica|Gambia|Grenada|Liberia|Maldives|Nevis|Palau|St. Kitts|St. Vincent|St. Vincent-Grenadines|Sierra Leone|Tanzania|Tuvalu|Uganda|Topical Collecting -- U.S. Presidents|Famous People|Obama, Barack  
Index Many Lincoln postmarks in February United States|Postal Markings -- Pictorial Cancels|Topical Collecting|U.S. Presidents|Lincoln, Abraham|Famous People Bigalke, Jay
Index What exactly is postal history and why should you collect it? Collecting|Postal History Klug, Janet