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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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09 March 2009; Vol: 82 Iss: 4193
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9 Mar 2009
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Vol 82 Iss: 4193
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Index Eight pioneers of the industrial revolution featured in British stamp set on March 10 Great Britain|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Inventions and Inventors|Famous People|Boulton, Matthew -- steam engines|Watt, James -- steam engines|Arkwright, Richard -- textiles, spinning cotton|Wedgwood, Josiah -- ceramics|Stephenson, George -- railroa McCarty, Denise
Index Lawrence tells million-dollar stamp story United States | Scott 82 | Grills -- B Grill | Rare Issues and Covers | Collectors -- Stevenson, William; Perry, Elliott; Luff, John; Brookman, Lester Baadke, Michael
Index Microprint wrong on 1997 32c First Supersonic Flight stamp United States|Scott 3173|Microprinting -- Errors "Glamorous Glenna" should have been "Glamorous Glennis."Hotchner, John M.
Index Liberty Bell forever envelope tentatively planned for May 11 United States|Postal Stationery|Liberty Bell|Forever stamps Bigalke, Jay
Index Reduced services preferred over rate increases, according to poll United States Postal Service Gallup poll released Feb. 16.McAllister, Bill
Index U.S. Czeslaw Slania Study Group ends Philatelic Organizations|Czeslaw Slania Study Group Archives and reference materials to go to Western Philatelic Library in Sunnyvale, Calif. 
Index Madoff on personalized postage stamp United States|Personalized Postage|Topical Collecting -- Famous People|Madoff, Bernard McAllister, Bill
Index Joan R. Bleakley, 1932-2009 Obituaries|Bleakley, Joan R. Ertzberger, Darrell R.
Index Updated first-day-of-sale cancel list; nine locations order postmark devices United States|Postal Markings|First Days of Sale Bigalke, Jay
Index Polish set of four remembers concentration camp survivors Poland|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Holocaust|Pilecki, Witold|Jez, Ignacy Ludwik|Wolski, Jozef Wladyslaw|Sawicka, Stanislawa Maria McCarty, Denise
Index [Poland stamp for Valentines Day and St. Patrick's Day] Poland|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Love|Hearts|Valentine's Day|St. Patrick's Day McCarty, Denise
Index Use of special delivery with domestic priority mail in 1972 United States|Postal History|Special Delivery|Priority Mail Wawrukiewicz, Anthony
Index 1907 mourning cover made an interesting Christmas gift Great Britain|Mourning Covers Alderfer, David
Index Make your favorite stamp a one-stamp-wonder collection Philately|Specialized Collecting Klug, Janet