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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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13 April 2009; Vol: 82 Iss: 4198
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13 Apr 2009
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Vol 82 Iss: 4198
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Index Insects on U.N. Endangered Species set April 16 United Nations|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Insects|Endangered Species  
Index Ainsworth Lincoln collection auction in New York April 17 Auctions|Collections -- Ainsworth, William J.|Topical Collecting -- Famous People|Lincoln, Abraham|United States Presidents Miller, Rick
Index Stamps provide a big dose of relaxation Collecting, Benefits of Reprint of email message from Don Sundman of Mystic Stamp Company.Baadke, Michael
Index Panama-Pacific stamps were issued with perforation varieties United States|Commemoratives|Panama-Pacific International Exposition 1915|Scott 297-400|Varieties|Perforation and Separation Hotchner, John M.
Index SEC files against Escala, Manning, Crawford; Escala settles Spain|Dealers|Investment and Speculation|Escala|Manning, Gregory|Crawford, Larry Lee|Lawsuits|Legal Issues|Fraud  
Index USPS running out of money; five-day delivery plan returns United States Postal Service|Finances|Budget cuts McAllister, Bill
Index 28c Koi Fish postal card pair in single, reply and sheet formats United States|New Issues|Postal Stationery|Postal Cards|Topical Collecting -- Fish Bigalke, Jay
Index Harlan Stone selected as Lichtenstein memorial award recipient Collectors Club of New York|Awards -- Alfred F. Lichtenstein memorial award for distinguished service to philately|Stone, Harlan|Biographies  
Index Slovakian scented Easter stamp; Swedish banana people Slovakia|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Holidays|Easter|Easter Eggs|Unusual issues -- Scented|Czech Republic|Sweden Slovakia stamps smell like daffodils.McCarty, Denise
Index New York spring Postage Stamp Mega-Event April 16-19 at new venue American Stamp Dealers Association|ASDA Mega-Event 2009|Shows and Exhibitions New locaion is the New Yorker hotel instead of Madison Square Garden. 
Index Use of United States postal rate books help in asylum case United States|Postal Rates|Certified Mail Certified mail receipt from 1998 application for asylum to the United States helps man and family.Wawrukiewicz, Tony
Index Web site compiles lists of best stamps issued in 2008 Philately|Internet Winick, Les
Index Clues reveal how to distinguish between pairs of Machin twins Great Britain|Machins|Identification|Perforation and Separation Alderfer, David
Index Stamp illustrator Nancy Stahl: 'Who doesn't love the polar bear?' United States|Designs and Designers|Stahl, Nancy|28c Polar Bear Bigalke, Jay
Index Look inside dollar box covers to discover hidden treasures Collecting Klug, Janet