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Counterfeit Liberty Bell forever stamps sold on eBay in March
| United States|Forever stamps|Liberty Bell|Fakes and Forgeries | Bigalke, Jay |
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May 1 issue date for 44c American Flag; three coil formats to start, more expected
| United States|New Issues|American Flag|Topical Collecting -- Flags | Bigalke, Jay |
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Scarce used modern 45c Official envelope found
| United States|Scott UO79|Covers "Envelope issued March 17, 1990, unlisted in used condition in Scott because postally used examples have not appeared in the marketplace." | Miller, Rick |
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Postal Service drops plan to contract out bulk mail centers
| United States Postal Service Plan was to outsource work at the bulk mail centers. | McAllister, Bill |
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Rural post offices protected from closure
| United States Postal Service|Post Offices|Finances|Mail Delivery | McAllister, Bill |
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Supplementary mail book breaks new ground| [book review]
| Book Review|United States|Supplementary Mail | Baadke, Michael |
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Kicking donkey cancel used in Houston for one day in 1928
| United States|Postal Markings -- He's in Houston|Houston, Texas|Smith, Alfred E. | Hotchner, John M. |
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Five 44c The Simpsons stamps; four booklet varieties planned
| United States|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Fictional Characters|The Simpsons|Cartoons|Scott 4399-4402, 4403b|Scott BC253 | Bigalke, Jay |
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Rings, cake on wedding set; set of two planned for May 1
| United States|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Weddings|Wedding Cake|Wedding Rings | Bigalke, Jay |
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U.S. special printings in Spink Shreves April 29 NYC auction
| United States|Auctions|Scott 203, 204, 205C | Miller, Rick |
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Report lists 10 Postal Service services being sold too low
| United States Postal Service|Finances | McAllister, Bill |
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Fifth 1c Tiffany Lamp stamp variety set for release April 28
| United States|Tiffany Lamp|Varieties|Coils | Bigalke, Jay |
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Kewriga joins Kelleher company
| Biographies|Kewriga, Daniel F.|Daniel F. Kelleher Co.|Auctions|Dealers | |
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Multiple digital color postmarks for se-tenant stamp issues
| United States|First Days|Pictorial Postmarks|Lincoln, Abraham | de Vries, Lloyd |
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Stamp exhibition held in conjunction with play in Pasadena
| Philatelic Exhibitions|Pasadena, California|Philatelic Theater -- Mauritius | Winick, Les |
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Servicing your own cacheted first-day covers is fun and easy
| First Days|Cachets | Klug, Janet |
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Collectors Forum: Canadian Precancels
| Canada|Precancels -- Numeric Listed in Standard Canada Precancel Catalogue, Unitrade. | |
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Collectors Forum: Joint statistics stamp
| Belgium|Luxembourg|Joint Issues|Revenues -- general goods statistics Listed in Barefoot "Benelux Revenues." | |
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Collectors Forum: Tyrolian parcel stamps
| Tyrol|Austria|Parcel Control Stamps|Land Tirol|Freimarke Heller Listed in Michel Austria Specialized catalog, and Netto Austrian specialized catalog. | |