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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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25 May 2009; Vol: 82 Iss: 4204
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25 May 2009
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Vol 82 Iss: 4204
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Index Canada celebrates diplomacy anniversary Canada Miller, Rick
Index 'Thanks for the Memory': Bob Hope stamp to debut May 29 with San Diego ceremony United States|Scott 4406|Topical Collecting -- Famous People|Hope, Bob|Actors and Actresses|Comedians Miller, Rick
Index Philatelic Foundation elects officers Philatelic Foundation|Kramer, George J.|Rose, Robert G.|Lyons, Larry|Ryterband, Daniel J.|Bennett, Harvey J.|Eubanks, Gordon|Shreve, Charles F.|Walske, Steven C.  
Index Postal Service losses growing as revenues and volume decline United States Postal Service|Finances McAllister, Bill
Index Collectors react to U.S. cartoon cavalcade United States Postal Service|Topical Collecting|Comics|Cartoons|Fictional Characters Baadke, Michael
Index How far off can misregistrations of the Presidential series get? United States|Presidential Issue Hotchner, John M.
Index APS cuts expenses by eliminating position, freezing salaries American Philatelic Society|Finances  
Index New Scott catalog numbers assigned to U.S. stamps, postal cards United States|Scott 4386 -- 61c Richard Wright|Scott 4387 & 4389 -- 28c Polar Bear|UX555 & UX556 -- 28c Koi Fish Postal Card|Scott UY48m & UY48r -- 28+28c Koi Fish reply card  
Index No vending booklets planned for 2009 United States|Vending Machine Booklets Bigalke, Jay
Index UNPA will surcharge envelopes United Nations Postal Administration|Postal Stationery|Overprints  
Index Soakable United States stamps in early 2009: few and far between United States, Gum, Self Adhesives, Soaking Watercutter, J.A.
Index Flag stamp design photographer at June 5 Napex ceremony United States|Barrentine, Rick|Artists and Designers|Scott 44-cent issued June 5, Vries, Lloyd
Index Collecting German stamps of the hyperinflationary period Germany|Inflation Issues Klug, Janet