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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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01 June 2009; Vol: 82 Iss: 4205
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1 Jun 2009
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Vol 82 Iss: 4205
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Index Postal history sent by George H. Cooke from Chile in the late 1800s Chile|Postal History|Cooke, George Henry Graham, Richard
Index Siegel to auction Ice House cover June 13; Foundation certified cover as genuine May 5 Court rules estate of J. David Baker rightful owner of Ice House cover United States|Scott 122|Ice House Cover|Rare Issues and Covers Miller, Rick
Index UNPA to issue personalized panes June 5 United Nations|Personalized Postage  
Index Rare air in Linn's list of top auctions [25 most expensive or rare stamps; top auction realizations] Auctions|Rare Issues and Covers Listings refer to auction realizations only; they do not include private sales.Baadke, Michael
Index Repair tape used in the 1930s found on sheet and coil stamps United States|Cleaned and Repaired Stamps Hotchner, John M.
Index Simpsons first day in Los Angeles; creator Groening a stamp collector United States|First Days|Groening, Matt|Artists and Designers Bigalke, Jay
Index New Liechtenstein postal cards to show Vaduz Castle paintings Liechtenstein|Topical Collecting -- Castles|Postal Stationery|Postal Cards  
Index New Liechtenstein postal cards to show Vaduz Castle paintings Liechtenstein|Topical Collecting -- Castles|Postal Stationery|Postal Cards  
Index Postal Service's 24-hour phone order line was discontinued United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Three new 2009 U.S. stamps used prior to official issue dates United States|Early releases|Scott 4375, 4377, 4381, 4384a Bigalke, Jay
Index Creator of the Barbie logo designed two new Love stamps United States|Scott|Artists and Designers|Greco, Jeanne Winick, Les
Index Report questions intelligent mail bar codes United States Postal Service|Intelligent Mail Bar code allows mailers to track letters as they move through the mailstream.McAllister, Bill
Index Uncut sheet of Koi Fish postal cards: individual cards to have Scott footnote United States|Postal Cards|Koi Fish|Scott UX Bigalke, Jay
Index Sultan Ibrahim and Sultana Helen seen on stamps of Johore Johore|Commemoratives|Scott 126-127|Topical Collecting -- Famous People|Royalty Miller, Rick
Index Children of the Rear Guard [Ajut Infantil de Reraguarda] Spain|Spanish Civil War|Cinderella Material|Seals and Labels Collectors Forum