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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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24 August 2009; Vol: 82 Iss: 4217
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24 Aug 2009
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Vol 82 Iss: 4217
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Index Katharine Hepburn is 2010 Hollywood subject; stamps for Roy Rogers, Negro leagues, Garfield United States|New Issues 2010 Bigalke, Jay|Baadke, Michael
Index New double-line watermark pattern discovery [see notes] United States|Watermarks Images of the double-line watermark varieties pictured are incorrectly positioned / labeled. Correction appears in Aug 31, 2009, issue p. 4 
Index Appeals court revives malicious prosecution case United States Postal Service|Legal Issues|Moore, William G. Jr.|Recognition Equipment Inc. McAllister, Bill
Index Amazing new U.S. watermark discovery United States|Watermarks Baadke, Michael
Index 19th-century Daniel F. Beatty advertising covers from Washington, N.J. United States|19th Century|Covers|Advertising Musical instrument company.Hotchner, John M.
Index Collecting U.S. precancels can be a challenging inexpensive feast United States|Precancels|Collecting Hotchner, John M.
Index 677 post offices listed for possible closure United States Postal Service|Post Offices|Finances McAllister, Bill
Index Potter likely to stay as postmaster general United States Postal Service|Postmasters General|Potter, John E. McAllister, Bill
Index Katherine Tobin leaves board of governors United States Postal Service Board of Governors|Tobin, Katherine She leaves to become deputy assistant secretary of education for performance review.McAllister, Bill
Index Denmark to issue final set for U.N. climate conference Denmark|New Issues|United Nations Climate Conference COP15|Topical Collecting ? Energy Conference held Dec 7-18 at the Bella Center in Copenhagen. Two stamps feature top of a wind turbine (representing wind energy) and a hydrogen molecule (representing hydrogen and fuel cell energy technology) 
Index Isle of Man [Bee Gees] Isle of Man|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Music and Musicians|The Bee Gees McCarty, Denise
Index San Marino offers stereoscope for 3-D viewing of stamps San Marino|New Issues|Unusual issues Set of 6 stamps issued 25 Aug commemorating European Year of Creativity and Innovation; stamps are 3-dimensional; post card doubles as a stereoscopic viewer.McCarty, Denise
Index Standard No. 6 3/4 envelopes are too small for some FDCs United States|First Days de Vries, Lloyd
Index Postal Service awaits September bailout; postal unions reject Senate amendment United States Postal Service|Finances McAllister, Bill
Index Controversy for new Norwegian stamp Norway|New Issues|Commemoratives|Topical Collecting -- Nobel Prizes|Hamsun, Knut|Writers|Authors Hamsun also known as a Nazi sympathizer. Won Nobel Prize in literature in 1920 for novel "Growth of the Soil." 
Index Define stamp terms to avoid philatelic Tower of Babel  Miller, Rick
Index Define stamp terms to avoid philatelic Tower of Babel Collecting|Philatelic Terms Terms: mint, grade, condition, sheet, pane, errors, freaks, souvenir sheet, miniature sheet.Miller, Rick
Index "Madame Jenny Lind' Great Britain|Covers|Censored Mail|Air Mail Letter addressed to Madame Jenny Lind in Louisville, KY, probably the black American actress of that name.Collectors' Forum
Index Poneys Poste Cinderella Material|Poneys Poste Plea for information.Collectors' Forum
Index Turkish Aviation Society Turkey|Cinderella Material -- Fundraising Labels|Seals and Labels|Turk Hava Kurumu -- Turkish Aviation Society Plea for information.Collectors' Forum
Index Printer's souvenir Vatican City|Cinderella Material|Seals and Labels|CAPEX '87 A nonpostage advertising souvenir sheet produced by the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato in Rome, Italy.Collectors' Forum
Index Options available to collectors when it comes time to sell Collecting|Buying, Exchanging, and Selling Klug, Janet
Index Sign up now to receive the Linn's Stamp NewsLetter Linn's Stamp News|Internet Resources [advertisement]
Index UPS Mail Innovations United States Postal Service|United Parcel Service UPS UPS Mail Innovations is a high-volume mailing service provider ..."Collectors Forum
Index Finnish reprints Finland|Postal Stationery Cut squares from reprints of the first two Finnish postal stationery envelopes issued, 10 and 20 kopecks, in 1845. Stationery listed in Facit catalog but not cut squares.Collectors Forum
Index Liannos local post stamps Greece|Locals|Liannos Non-Scott listed. Listed in local post section of the Isfila Turkish Stamps & Postal Stationery Catalogue, Vol. 1, as YP3-5.Collectors Forum