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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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16 November 2009; Vol: 82 Iss: 4229
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16 Nov 2009
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Vol 82 Iss: 4229
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Index Eight new Swedish Christmas stamps show wax seal, presents and snow white animals Sweden|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Christmas Bigalke,Jay
Index Jenny Invert in locket will go to auction United States|Scott C3a To be sold by Heritage/Bennet Auctions Dec 11-12 in New York. Locket was gift from Col. Edward Green to his wife Mabel.Miller, Rick
Index It's always good to know who's who Thomas, Richard|Biographies Thomas's last "Who's Who on U.S. Stamps" column appears in this issue of Linn's.Baadke, Michael
Index Nearly 50 patriotic covers addressed to Lincoln discovered United States|Civil War|Patriotic Covers|Collections|Hay, John|Lincoln, Abraham|Finds Covers, all addressed to President Lincoln, were found among the John Hay papers at Brown University in Providence, R.I. 
Index Only 18,000 postal workers opt for early retirement buyouts United States Postal Service|Finances McAllister, Bill
Index Collection of Russian 'little jewels' returns big results at auction Russia|Scott 640|Collections|Shneidman, Jerome Lee|Auctions Collection sold by Doyle in New York October 27. Imperforate vertical pair of Scott 640 sold high.Healey, Matthew
Index Schools charged fee to participate in Postal Service program United States Postal Service|Youth Programs|Finances McAllister, Bill
Index Britain's Royal Mail phasing out bicycles for letter carriers Great Britain|Postal Service|Post Office Equipment|Transportation of Mail Winick, Les
Index Revisiting the Virtual Stamp Club's web site after five years Internet Resources|Virtual Stamp Club Sharpe, William F.
Index Pandas featured on stamps of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan Topical Collecting -- Pandas|Animals|China|Hong Kong|Taiwan Clem Tai
Index Egyptian Seal Egypt|Seals and Labels|Official Seals Listed in James N. Drummond book "Official Seals of the World."Collectors' Forum
Index Salem local post fantasies United States|Bogus Issues | Seals and Labels | Locals and Private Posts | Cinderella Material|Salem|Topical Collecting|Witches Label reads: SALEM 1866 Special Delivery One Penny.Collectors' Forum
Index 'Unofficial Official Seals' United States|Official Seals|Post Offices Seals and Labels Black on orange unofficial Official seal reportedlly produced by a private companya s a marketing sample for postmasters.Collectors' Forum