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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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28 December 2009; Vol: 82 Iss: 4235
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28 Dec 2009
Number of Pages:
Vol 82 Iss: 4235
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Index British stamps show album cover artwork; musicians featured include Stones, Bowie Great Britain | New Issues | Topical Collecting -- Music and Musicians | Album covers Featuring: Pink Floyd, Coldplay, Blur, New Order, Rolling Stones, The Clash, Mike Oldfield, Led Zeppelin, Primal Scream, David Bowie.McCarty, Denise
Index House supports endangered species semipostal United States|Semi-postal Issues McAllister, Bill
Index Stamp collecting category on 'Jeopardy!' Television Shows|Philatelic Themes  
Index Japan halts postal privatization Japan|Postal Service|Japan Post Group  
Index Scott marks 25 years with Amos Hobby Publishing Amos Hobby Publishing|Scott Publishing Company Baadke, Michael
Index Kermit sprayed-on cancel promotes Disney DVD, CD at post offices United States Postal Service|Postal Markings|Inkjet Cancels|Topical Collecting -- Fictional Characters|The Muppets|Kermit the Frog Bigalke, Jay
Index Portuguese stamps for the senses; South African 3-D dinosaur Portugal|Unusual issues|Philatelic Firsts|Topical Collecting -- Blindness|Braille|South Africa|Topical Collecting -- Dinosaurs Portugal stamps issued October 12, 2009. The 5 Senses: Hearing (rough service of file), Touch (embossed image), Sight (holographic image eyeglasses), Taste (vanilla ice cream bar), Smell (coffee).McCarty, Denise
Index Confronting the eternal question: mint or used? Collecting Block, Lawrence
Index Bells on stamps help ring in the Christmas holiday season Topical Collecting -- Bells Klug, Janet
Index New seal variety United States|Official Seals|Post Office Seals|Dead Letter Office Similar design to Scott OXA4, this reads "Sec. 609" instead of "Sec. 566."Collectors Forum
Index Customs baggage stamp [update] United States | [Revenues] | Customs Baggage Inspection Labels | Seals and Labels | Cinderella Material Collectors Forum
Index Colombian cadastre stamp Colombia|Cinderella Material|Revenues -- Cadastre Cadastre is a public record, survey, or map of land as a basis for taxation.Collectors Forum
Index Spitsbergen labels [update] Norway | Sptsbergen | Seals and Labels | Cinderella Material -- Fundraising Collectors Forum