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04 Dec 2019 07:56:34
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Journal / Periodical
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1938-39; Vol: 5
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1938 1938-39
Number of Pages:
Vol 5
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Key Words 
Index Mailboat Service to Copenhagen, 1905 Greenland Hurt
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index Bejuma (1854) Venezuela Local Posts 
Index Coro and La Vela Venezuela Local Posts 
Index Postal History Background Fiji Grumbridge
Index Empire of Darius Iran Crane
Index Regent Catalogue Reviews  
Index Specialized Rhodesia Collections 
Index Longham Great Britain Collections 
Index Career of Wm. Dockwra Great Britain Dockwra 
Index Bond F. W. Biography  
Index Post Haste Great Britain Postal History 
Index Caracas and Petare Venezuela Local Posts 
Index Merida Venezuela Local Posts 
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index Bisects The First (1841-42) Great Britain Adhesives Twopenny Blues 
Index Nationalist Overprinted Stamps Spain Civil WarJiminez
Index Background Bahamas Postal HistoryGrumbridge
Index Sanders J. Biography  
Index Stamps of the Niger Country Niger Coast Protectorate Robson Lowe
Index Bath Great Britain Town & County 
Index Empire Airmails Great Britain Airmail 
Index Steamship Companies: St. Lucia Steam Conveyanee Co. St. Lucia  
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index St. Lucia Steam Conveyance Co. Shipping Companies and Packet Services  
Index Cranmere Pool, Dartmoor Great Britain Town & County 
Index Background Bahamas Postal History 
Index 1936 Burgos Air Mail Issues Spain Holland
Index Forged K.G. VI Cayman Islands Postmarks 
Index Ginger G. Biography Obit 
Index Whittard A. Biography Obit 
Index 1939 Southport Philatelic Congress of Great Britain  
Index 1940 Post Office Exhibitions  
Index Inland and Homeward Posts, 1883 Belgian Congo Hurt
Index Local Posts Belgian Congo  
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index Livingstone Dr. David Biography  
Index Stanley H. M. Biography  
Index Forged Postmarks K.G. VI St. Helena  
Index Postmarks K.G. VI St. Lucia Forgeries 
Index K.G. VI Postmarks Turks Islands Forgeries 
Index Postmarks On K.G. VI Stamps Forgeries  
Index Birmingham Great Britain Town & County 
Index Roth: British Empire Collections  
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index Postal History Background Gambia, The Grumbridge
Index Inland and Homeward Posts, 1883 Belgian Congo  
Index Local Posts Belgian Congo  
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index 1s. and 2s. on Cover Heligoland  
Index McGowan B. Biography  
Index Nissen Charles Biography  
Index 1939 Southport Philatelic Congress of Great Britain  
Index History of Invention of Adhesive Great Britain Postage StampRobson Lowe
Index 1837-39 Great Britain Essays 
Index Bewley T. Biography  
Index Allardyce A. Biography  
Index Bissager G. Biography  
Index Chalmers James Biography  
Index Coffin F. Biography  
Index Boucher F. Biography  
Index Bowring Dr. Biography  
Index Buckley H. Biography  
Index Town Posts during German Occupation (1915-16) Poland Local Posts 
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index London, 1680-1840 Great Britain Local PostsBrummell, review
Index London Great Britain Town & County 
Index Postal History Background British Honduras Grumbridge
Index 1936 Burgos Air Mail Issues Spain  
Index 1934 Maryland Tercentenary United States of America Graveson
Index 1851-57 One Cent Stamp United States of America reviews
Index Yates E. E. Malta Collections 
Index 1939 Southport Philatelic Congress of Great Britain  
Index Chalmers Great Britain Essays 
Index National School of Philately Textbooks and Education  
Index Chalmers James Biography  
Index Sued for Libel (1939) Robson Lowe Ltd.  
Index Armstrong Douglas Biography  
Index Chalmers Great Britain Essays 
Index 1837-39 Great Britain Essays 
Index History of Invention of Adhesive Great Britain Postage Stamp 
Index Chalmers James Biography  
Index Town Posts during German Occupation (1915-16) Poland Local Posts 
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index Kent, Post for All, 1661 Great Britain Postal HistoryGraveson
Index Kent Great Britain Town & County 
Index Hall T. W. Victoria Collections 
Index Sea Posts of 1848 Maritime Mail  
Index Famous Mail Ships Ship  
Index Propaganda Germany Forgeries 
Index Byposts Stamps of Review Norway Local Posts 
Index Postal Stationery of Siam Review Thailand  
Index Propaganda Forgeries British Forgeries  
Index 1936 Burgos Air Mail Issues Spain  
Index Edinburgh Penny Post Great Britain ScotlandDryden
Index Edinburgh Great Britain Town & County 
Index Williamson P. Biography  
Index History of Invention of Adhesive Great Britain Postage Stamp 
Index Cheverton B. Biography  
Index 1837-39 Great Britain Essays 
Index Clive J. H. Biography  
Index Cole Sir Henry Biography  
Index Town Posts during German Occupation (1915-16) Poland Local Posts 
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index Postal History Background St. Helena Grumbridge
Index Harper Ethel Biography  
Index Shipping Postmaster — Capetown Cape of Good Hope Postmarks 
Index Sanabria Airmail Catalogues reviewed  
Index Aspinwall: Whole World Collections  
Index Aspinwall British Guiana Collections 
Index Aspinwall: Whole World Collections  
Index Castlerosse Viscount Biography  
Index Collecting Scope United States of America Harper
Index Netherlands 1799 and 1854 Great Britain Military Mail 
Index Military Mail: British Army Letters 1799 and 1854 Netherlands  
Index Postal History Baekground Ascension Grumbridge
Index 1837-39 Great Britain Essays 
Index History of Invention of Adhesive Great Britain Postage Stamp 
Index Dalwig J. C. Biography  
Index Davies J. F. Biography  
Index Dickinson G. Biography  
Index Dickinson J. Biography  
Index Town Posts during German Occupation (1915-16) Poland Local Posts 
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index 1939 Southport Philatelic Congress of Great Britain  
Index 1855 1d Plate 25 Half Sheet Great Britain Adhesives Later Q.V. Issues 
Index 1939 Southport Philatelic Congress of Great Britain  
Index Luboml Poland Local Posts 
Index Przedborz Poland Local Posts 
Index Zawiercie Poland Local Posts 
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index Tarnow Poland Local Posts 
Index Zarki Poland Local Posts 
Index 1856 lc. British Guiana  
Index Stamps of Greatest Price Mauritius  
Index Stamps of Greatest Price Spain  
Index Stamps of Greatest Price United States of America  
Index De Worms Ceylon Collections 
Index Ferrary Collections  
Index Hall: British Empire Collections  
Index Hind: Foreign Collections  
Index Tapling Collections  
Index Ferrary P. la R. von Biography  
Index Tapling Thomas Keay Biography  
Index Philatelie Finance Financial Aspects Grumbridge
Index Booby Island P.O. (1841) Queensland  
Index Britomart H.M. Brig Ship  
Index Sesostris Ship  
Index Ferguson Ship  
Index 1837-39 Great Britain Essays 
Index History of Invention of Adhesive Great Britain Postage Stamp 
Index Forrester S. Biography  
Index Godby A. Biography  
Index Green J. Biography  
Index Hanchette J. M. Biography  
Index Hanson J. Biography  
Index Collecting Scope Mexico Chapman
Index Aspinwall: Whole World Collections  
Index Aux Cayes Haiti Great Britain Post Offices Abroad 
Index Cap Haitien Haiti Great Britain Post Offices Abroad 
Index Gonaives Haiti Great Britain Post Offices Abroad 
Index Jacmel Haiti Great Britain Post Offices Abroad 
Index St. Marc Haiti Great Britain Post Offices Abroad 
Index British Posts Haiti  
Index Butterworth B. M. G. Biography  
Index Waziristan (1936-37) Great Britain Military Mail 
Index North-west Frontier India Wars 
Index Waziristan, 1936-37 India WarsRawson
Index Waziristan India India Used Abroad 
Index Stamp (1862-70) Advertisements  
Index 1856 1 real, Plate 3 Mexico Chapman
Index Helsingfors Finland Local PostsHurt
Index Aux Cayes Haiti Great Britain Post Offices Abroad 
Index Cap Haitien Haiti Great Britain Post Offices Abroad 
Index Gonaives Haiti Great Britain Post Offices Abroad 
Index Jacmel Haiti Great Britain Post Offices Abroad 
Index Port au Prince Haiti Great Britain Post Offices Abroad 
Index St. Marc Haiti Great Britain Post Offices Abroad 
Index British Posts Haiti  
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index Postal History Baekground Ascension  
Index Stamps of Great Price 1858 Moldavia  
Index 1837-39 Great Britain Essays 
Index History of Invention of Adhesive Great Britain Postage Stamp 
Index Hebbard W. H. Biography  
Index Henderson J. D. Biography  
Index Bennington B. B. Biography  
Index Specialized Liberia Collections 
Index Redirection of G.B. Covers for Madagascar to Mauritius Madagascar  
Index Early Use May 1840 Great Britain Mulready 
Index Hamden Express Liverpool (1844) Great Britain Carriage Labels 
Index Liverpool Great Britain Town & County 
Index Halifax S.S. Ship  
Index Trollope A. Biography  
Index Helsingfors Finland Local Posts 
Index 1837-39 Great Britain Essays 
Index Private and Local Posts of the World Local Posts  
Index History of Invention of Adhesive Great Britain Postage Stamp 
Index MacDonald J. Biography  
Index Jones W. Biography  
Index Mackenzie Sir G. Biography  
Index Morton J. E. Biography  
Index Nolan W. Biography  
Index Turpin Dick Biography  
Index 1839-1939 Postal Markings Review Aden Postmarks 
Index Whitfield King Catalogue Reviews  
Index 1933 4 tranka Sheet Tibet  
Index King F. Airmail Collections