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04 Dec 2019 07:56:34
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Journal / Periodical
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1976-77; Vol: 43
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1976 1976-77
Number of Pages:
Vol 43
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Key Words 
Index Collection Regional Governments (1936-49) Italian East Africa  
Index Pictorial and Propaganda Great Britain Envelopes 
Index Local Agent D.C. United States of America Postmarks 
Index Pourpe Covers Heliopolis-London (1914) Egypt Airmail 
Index Local Meredith Collection Great Britain Scotland Postmarks 
Index Woods of Perth (Printers) Ltd, Acquired by Robson Lowe Ltd.   
Index Doris H.M.S. Ship  
Index Postal Strike (1971) Organization during Robson Lowe Ltd.  
Index Postmasters' Stamps (1861) United States of America Confederate States 
Index 1884 Stamp Committee Great Britain Post Office 
Index Pourquoi Pas? Ship  
Index Specialized Collection (1919-47) Newfoundland Airmail 
Index Postmarks etc.: Village Cancellations 1863-1906 Collection Italy  
Index Antarctic Expedition (1911) Germany Polar Post 
Index South Pole Expedition Charcot Pourquoi Pas (1908-10) Polar Post  
Index Deutschland Ship  
Index Français Ship  
Index Collection Caroline Islands  
Index Collection German New Guinea  
Index Collection Marshall Islands  
Index No Hay Sellos [There are No Stamps] Spain Collections 
Index Cormoran S.M.S. Ship  
Index Falke S.M.S. Ship  
Index Belton Ronald Biography  
Index Parsons Richard Biography  
Index 1970 Philympia, London Exhibitions  
Index Covers: Mail to Sydney, 1861-66 Australia Robson Lowe
Index Batavia India India Used Abroad 
Index Batavia India used in and India Paid Netherlands East Indies  
Index Bengal Ship  
Index Colombo Ship  
Index Nemesis Ship  
Index Simla Ship  
Index Postage Stamps and Postal History review British Guiana Townsend & Howe
Index Gibbons Specialized Catalogue, Vol. 1 Great Britain Adhesives Penny Blacks 
Index Gibbons Specialized Catalogue, Vol. 1 Great Britain Adhesives Twopenny Blues 
Index Gibbons Specialized Catalogue, Vol. 1 Great Britain Adhesives Later Q.V. Issues 
Index Gibbons Specialized Catalogue, Vol. 2 Great Britain Adhesives K.E. VII Issues 
Index Gibbons Specialized Catalogue, Vol. 2 reviews Great Britain Adhesives K.G.V Issues 
Index Gibbons Specialized Catalogue, Vol. 2 Great Britain Adhesives K.E. VIII Issues 
Index Gibbons Specialized Catalogue, Vol. 2 Great Britain Adhesives K.G. VI Issues 
Index Gibbons Sectional Catalogues 1-9 Catalogue Reviews  
Index Andorra Specialist Societies  
Index 1927-49 Communist Issues China  
Index 1874 Manuscript Surcbarges Griqualand West Robson Lowe
Index Study St. Vincent Forgeries 
Index Forgeries St. Vincent  
Index Antarctic Expedition (1911) Germany Polar Post 
Index Scottish National Antarctic Expedition (1902-04) Great Britain Polar Post 
Index Wilkins-Ellsworth Trans-Arctic Expedition (1931) Polar Post  
Index 1970 Philympia, London Exhibitions  
Index Steamship Companies: Maritime Postal History Norway  
Index Oslo Philatelist Club Norway Catalogues reviewed 
Index Catalogue, Priced Puerto Rico Scalley, review
Index Moss S.S. Ship  
Index Skibladner S.S. Ship  
Index Andorra Specialist Societies  
Index Guidebook and Catalogue of Canadian Stamps Canada Catalogues reviewedHansen
Index Maller Liechtenstein Catalogues reviewed 
Index Muller (1971) Switzerland Catalogues reviewed 
Index Handbook Cinderella Stamps Williams Bros., review
Index 1918 27 tire Surcharge removed from 80 öre Sweden Forgeries 
Index Filatelist Textbooks and Education Fernstrom, review
Index Färnström Nils Biography  
Index Wennberg Harry Biography  
Index 1927-49 Communist Issues China  
Index Catalogue, Woodstock reviews Great Britain Adhesives Q.E. II Issues 
Index 1970 Philympia, London Exhibitions  
Index Combination with N.S.W. Sydney View Great Britain CoversCroaker
Index 1971 Basle, NABA Exhibitions  
Index Martin Col. D. R. Biography Obit 
Index Grumbridge J. El Salvador Collections 
Index De La Rue Die Proofs Proofs  
Index Cameron: British Empire Collections  
Index 1967-69 Decimal Definitives Designs Cook Islands  
Index Billings Mrs. Kay W. Biography  
Index Steamship Companies: Maritime Postal History Norway  
Index Bergen Line Shipping Companies and Packet Services  
Index Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab Shipping Companies and Packet Services  
Index Tromsö Amts Dampskibsselskab Shipping Companies and Packet Services  
Index Framnaes Ship  
Index Arenadal Ship  
Index Printers: Kankekar & Sons, Bombay India Bateman
Index Handbook Guatemala  
Index Guatemala Specialist Societies  
Index Vlastos Greece Catalogues reviewed 
Index Catalogues reviewed: Said (1971) Malta  
Index 1883-87 2c. Red Brown United States of America Willard, review
Index Chalmers Great Britain Essays 
Index Zumstein Europe (1971) Catalogue Reviews  
Index Chalmers James Biography  
Index Gibbons Simplified Renamed Stamps of the World (1971) Catalogue Reviews  
Index Introduction to Stamp Collecting Textbooks and Education Narbeth, review
Index 1927-49 Communist Issues China  
Index Production: Engravings by T. S. and R. G. Harrison Australia  
Index 1967-69 Decimal Definitives Designs Cook Islands  
Index Billings Mrs. Kay W. Biography  
Index Harrison Ronald A. Biography  
Index Collection: Davies R. A. Danish West Indies  
Index Bristol Great Britain Bishop Marks 
Index Exeter Great Britain Bishop Marks 
Index Collection Foster Bond Great Britain Dockwra 
Index Late Date January 1662 Great Britain Dockwra 
Index London Penny Post 1681 Dotted Type Great Britain Dockwra 
Index Dunmore East Great Britain Town & County 
Index Buntingford Great Britain Town & County 
Index Farnham Great Britain Town & County 
Index Postal Use of Fiscals Guatemala RevenuesAndrews, reviews
Index To Jamaica 1876 Triple Combination Cuba CoversFoster
Index Collect British Stamps Great Britain Catalogues reviewed 
Index 1874 Manuscript Surcbarges Griqualand West Dodd
Index Diamond Dot Cancellations Belgium PostmarksStevenson
Index 1927-49 Communist Issues China  
Index Postmarks, Rural, Numbering Greece Machrymichalos, review
Index Priced Catalogue Postal Stationery  
Index Branching Out in Stamp Colleeting Textbooks and Education Watson, review
Index 1911-25 Admirals, Part 2 review Canada Reiche
Index Pigeon Post into Paris, 1870-71 review France AirmailHayhurst
Index Stamps of Persia Iran Lewis, review
Index Maritime Mail: Gli Annulli Marittimi ltaliani Italy Del Bianco, review
Index Pigeon Posts, Miscellaneous  
Index Postal Stationery Catalogues Ryukyu Islands  
Index Railway Theme, The Thematics Hart, review
Index Essays and Proofs of B.N.A. review Canada Essay-Proof Society
Index Essays and Proofs of B.N.A. Newfoundland EssaysEssay-Proof Society, review
Index American Philatelic Congress Annuals, Directories, and Yearbooks  
Index Philately and Postal History, An Introduetion Textbooks and Education Smith, review
Index Post, The Textbooks and Education James, review
Index 1872-75 20 lep. Large Hermes Head, Inverted Numerals at Back Greece Pemberton
Index Boucher George Biography Obit 
Index Collection: Davies R. A. Danish West Indies  
Index Bavaria S.S. Ship  
Index Hamburg-America Packet Co. Shipping Companies and Packet Services  
Index Dickinson, George 1839 Great Britain Essays 
Index Sievier Great Britain Essays 
Index Whiting Great Britain Essays 
Index Wyon Great Britain Essays 
Index Pictorial and Propaganda Great Britain Envelopes 
Index Caricatures Great Britain Mulready 
Index Specialized 1796-1909 Tobago Collections 
Index Decimalization Great Britain Currency 
Index Philatelic Foundation New York   
Index Transport Tickets Specialist Societies  
Index Diamond Dot Cancellations Belgium Postmarks 
Index Scott's U.S.A. Stamps in Color United States of America Catalogues reviewed 
Index 1927-49 Communist Issues China  
Index Welsh G. Portugal Collections 
Index Banquier Italy Collections 
Index Propaganda Spitler Caricature of 1940 Birthday Stamp Germany Forgeries 
Index Collection: Toeg Leeward Islands E. V.
Index Agabeg: Chalon Heads New Zealand Collections 
Index Chalon Heads Collections  
Index Chalon Collections Production  
Index Chalon N.Z. Types Production  
Index Danson J. R. Lagos Collections 
Index Danson J. R. Niger Coast Protectorate Collections 
Index Danson J. R. Southern Nigeria Collections 
Index Collection: Danson J. R. Nigeria  
Index Danson J. R. Northern Nigeria Collections 
Index Expertization Problems of   
Index Locard Dr. Edmond Biography  
Index Bokhara, Correspondence to India, 1891-96 Russia Post Offices AbroadRobson Lowe
Index Austrian Lloyd's Line Austria Steamship Companies 
Index Austrian Lloyd's Line Shipping Companies and Packet Services  
Index P. & O. Steam Navigation Co. Shipping Companies and Packet Services  
Index Diamond Dot Cancellations Belgium Postmarks 
Index Caröe F. T. K. Biography Obit 
Index Harrold Alex Biography Obit 
Index Kauder I) r. Warren G. Biography Obit 
Index Diamond Dot Cancellations Belgium PostmarksVandervelde, Andrews
Index Petrucci (1971) Italy Catalogues reviewed 
Index Philatelic and Postal History Hyderabad  
Index Encyclopaedia Filatelica Italiano Review Lombardy-Venetia  
Index Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Stamp Collecting Textbooks and Education Hornung, review
Index 1971 Tokyo Exhibitions  
Index 1972 Brussels, Belgica Exhibitions  
Index Postal Strike (1971) Organization during Robson Lowe Ltd.  
Index Martin Memorial Award  India Study Circle
Index Germany & Colonies Specialist Societies  
Index India Specialist Societies  
Index Simmons: B.N.A. Collections  
Index Simmons: B.W.I. Collections  
Index Banquier French Morocco Collections 
Index Banquier Spanish Morocco Collections 
Index Specialized Liberia Collections 
Index Grantham Great Britain Town & County 
Index British National Antarctic Expedition (1901-04) New Zealand Polar Post 
Index Local Meredith Collection Great Britain Scotland Postmarks 
Index Bokhara, Correspondence to India, 1891-96 Russia Post Offices Abroad 
Index 1971 Basle, NABA Exhibitions  
Index 1971 Cape Town, RSA 10 Exhibitions  
Index 1971 Tokyo Exhibitions  
Index Changes in Direetors and Staff Robson Lowe Ltd.  
Index Brain Miss E. Biography  
Index Collins Peter Biography  
Index 1884 5s on 1s green Sierra Leone Robson Lowe
Index Banquier Italy Collections 
Index Welsh G. Portugal Collections 
Index 1927-49 Communist Issues China  
Index U.S. Consular P.O.s Japan Riddells, review
Index Consular P.O.s in Japan United States of America P.O.s AbroadRiddells, review
Index Catalogue, Springer's United States of America Phantoms 
Index Catalogue, Springer's United States of America Revenues 
Index Airmails 1870-1970 Airmail Mackay, review
Index Postal Strike, 1971 Great Britain Local PostsCollins
Index Postal Strike (1971) Organization during Robson Lowe Ltd.  
Index To Jamaica 1876 Triple Combination Cuba CoversJewell
Index Postal Strike, 1971 Great Britain Local Posts 
Index British Military Mission F.P.O.s. Kabul, 1921 Afghanistan Military MailZahid
Index Afghanistan 1921 Great Britain Military Mail 
Index 1971 B.P.E., London Exhibitions  
Index 1971 Cape Town, RSA 10 Exhibitions  
Index Local Agent D.C. United States of America Postmarks 
Index Mercer Sir Walter Biography Obit 
Index Roberts Victor B. Biography  
Index Danson: British Empire Collections  
Index Danson: East Africa Collections  
Index Embossed Queen's Head, 1840 Great Britain Essays 
Index 1924-29 Wembley and U.P.U. Great Britain Essays 
Index Proof on India Paper Great Britain Mulready 
Index King-Farlow R. Denmark Collections 
Index Collection: King-Farlow R. Faroe Islands  
Index King-Farlow R. Finland Collections 
Index King-Farlow R. Iceland Collections 
Index King-Farlow R. Norway Collections 
Index Walther R. Sweden Collections 
Index 1872-77 20 öre Tretio Error Sweden  
Index Specialized United States of America Collections 
Index 1927-49 Communist Issues China  
Index Postal Strike, 1971 Great Britain Local Posts 
Index B.N.A. Canada Catalogues reviewed 
Index Postal Use of Fiscals Guatemala Revenues 
Index Catalogue, B.N.A. Newfoundland  
Index Gibbons Sectional Catalogues 10-12 Catalogue Reviews  
Index HJMR Priced Guide Literature, Philatelic  
Index Propaganda, World War II: Mail Distribution by Operation Cornflakes Germany ForgeriesSkrine & Collins
Index Letter from 1779 St. Lucia Britnor
Index Sea Post Office Aden Maritime MailPratt
Index Terms for Bequests to Museums  
Index Meredith Cecil W. Biography Obit 
Index 1927-49 Communist Issues China  
Index 1971 Tokyo Exhibitions  
Index Irish Mail, Holyhead-Kingstown Packet Great Britain Maritime Mail 
Index Military Mail: Soldier's Letter, Kingston (1867) Jamaica  
Index Holyhead & Kingstown Packet Shipping Companies and Packet Services  
Index Lee E. J. Biography  
Index 1919 Provisoire Surcharges Iran Lewis
Index Alcock & Holland Handbook Great Britain Maltese Crosses 
Index Handbook Liechtenstein Ring der Liechtensteinsammler, reviews
Index 1894 10c. blue sureharge on 75c. Guatemala  
Index Ship Letter to Singapore (1864) Labuan  
Index Guatemala Specialist Societies  
Index Ireland Specialist Societies  
Index 2 reales Stamp, Printings Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Robson Lowe
Index Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Shipping Companies and Packet Services  
Index Karonga manuscript alteration to Date (1895) Nyasaland Postmarks 
Index 1 peso yellow, Use in 1858-59 Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Robson Lowe
Index U.S. Consular P.O.s Japan  
Index Consular P.O.s in Japan United States of America P.O.s Abroad 
Index Cover to 50 Pall Mall (1869) Robson Lowe Ltd.  
Index Inman Line Shipping Companies and Packet Services  
Index City of Cork Ship  
Index Columbus R.M.S. Ship  
Index Danson: Europe Collections  
Index Viper H.M.S. Ship  
Index Danson: British Asia Collections  
Index Roebuck H.M.S. Ship  
Index Royalist Ship  
Index Auckland Islands Grant Expedition (1915) New Zealand Local Posts 
Index Arctische Post Postcards Norway Polar Post 
Index Jebba s.s. (1907) Wrecks and Wreck Covers  
Index Tahiti s.s. (1930) Wrecks and Wreck Covers  
Index Antelope H.M.S. Ship  
Index Discovery H.M.S. Ship  
Index Vulkan S.M.S. Ship  
Index Johnson Printed Ephemera Great Britain Collections 
Index Airmail Specialist Societies  
Index Field Francis J. Biography  
Index 1855-57 1d Riehardson Printings, and resulting Overlaps and Dwarfs New Zealand Kaye
Index Chalon N.Z. Types Production  
Index 1971 Cape Town, RSA 10 Exhibitions  
Index Route Carthagena-Barranquila (1866) Colombia  
Index Zambesi Expedition, Livingstone's, 1858-62 Cape of Good Hope Postal HistoryRobson Lowe
Index Pearl H.M.S. Ship  
Index Livingstone Dr. David Biography  
Index Vardon Major Frank Biography  
Index France & Colonies Specialist Societies  
Index Oswell William C. Biography  
Index 1971 B.P.E., London Exhibitions  
Index Letters of James Brooke, 1837 and 1853-54 Sarawak Collins
Index Royalist Ship  
Index Brooke James Biography  
Index Bassein Straight-line Handstamps Burma Postmarks 
Index Sarawak Straight-line Handstamp Malaya Postmarks 
Index Postmarks etc.: Kedah and Penang Straight-line Handstamps Thailand  
Index 1970 Philympia, London Exhibitions  
Index 1972 Brussels, Belgica Exhibitions  
Index Germany & Colonies Specialist Societies  
Index Collect British Stamps Great Britain Catalogues reviewed 
Index Camp Postmarks of tbe U.K. Review Great Britain Military Mail 
Index Specialized Stamp Collecting Textbooks and Education Bateman, review
Index Stamps in Schools Textbooks and Education Post Office, review
Index Postal Strike Stamps, Catalogue Great Britain Local PostsRosen, review
Index Newspapers and the Post Office 1635-1836 Great Britain Post OfficeGreenwood, review
Index Prefilatelia Espanola Spain PostmarksGuinovart & Tizon, review
Index Letter Post Communication between U.S. and Europe 1845-75 United States of America Postal HistoryHargest, review
Index Meetings and Reports British Philatelic Association  
Index India Specialist Societies  
Index 1855-57 1d Riehardson Printings, and resulting Overlaps and Dwarfs New Zealand  
Index Chalon N.Z. Types Production  
Index North Borneo Japan Occupations 
Index Hongkong Malaya PostmarksRiddell
Index Bangoenpoerba, Straight-line Handstamp Netherlands East Indies PostmarksDixon
Index Japanese Occupation: 1942 4c. North Borneo Double Overprint
Index Route, Quebec-Halifax Post 1787 Canada  
Index 1927-49 Communist Issues China  
Index Forgeries and Fakes Exhibition (1971) Robson Lowe Ltd.  
Index Postal History, Three Centuries of Scottish Posts Great Britain ScotlandHaldane, review
Index Poste Haste Textbooks and Education Ballantyne, review
Index Local Posts: Berne Cantonal Stamps, 1862-77 Switzerland Jackson
Index Weebers: Whole World Collections  
Index Official Stamps Papua Clarke
Index 1895 Black Flag Republic, Damaged Die Formosa Jackson
Index Thematics: Publie Health review Czechoslovakia Viklicky, review
Index 1859 Leer Provisional Hanover  
Index Award to Authors Production  
Index Railway Philatelic Group Specialist Societies  
Index Lidman. David Biography  
Index Trory Ernest Biography  
Index Williams L. Norman Biography  
Index Williams Maurice Biography  
Index Stamps and Postal History 1870-75 Fiji Rodger & Duberal, review
Index Poststempels in Nederlands Oost Indie 1789-1864 Netherlands East Indies PostmarksWolff de Beer, review
Index Gibbons Part 1 British Commonwealth Catalogue Reviews  
Index 1895 Second Issue, Line-engraved Dies Bussahir Bateman
Index 1927-49 Communist Issues China  
Index Group Sales and Auetion Records Robson Lowe Ltd.  
Index 1971 B.P.E., London Exhibitions  
Index Panama & Manzanilla Steam Shipping Co. Shipping Companies and Packet Services  
Index Garnet H.M.S. Ship  
Index Leviathan U.S.S. Ship  
Index Classics Denmark Collections 
Index Classics Norway Collections 
Index Classics Sweden Collections