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Date Loaded:
07 Dec 2019 14:51:41
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1966; Vol: 8
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Number of Pages:
Vol 8
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1867 Overprints on India: Forgeries   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1867/73 Crown CC watermark issue: Forgeries   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postmarks: Forged   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1879 5c and 7c ovpts.: Forgeries   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1882 Crown CC issue   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1882 5 cents on 4c   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1883 TWO CENTS overprints: Forgeries   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1884 TWO CENTS on 5c blue   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1883 Crown CA issue: Forgeries   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1884 4 Cents and 8 Cents ovpts.   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1883 2 Cents overprint   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1883 Crown CA issue: Bogus overprints   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: Bogus overprints   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1892/99 Key plate issue: Unissued overprints   
Index Bangkok: Forgeries   
Index Bangkok: Overprint type and dimensions   
Index PERAK: Post offices and agencies: Checklists   
Index SELANGOR: Post offices and agencies: Checklists   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: Use in other states and countries: Borneo   
Index Books and Journals: Malayan Stamp Co. Postage stamps issued in Malaya during the Japanese occupation. Kuala Lumpur : Caxton Press, 1946.   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Post offices and agencies   
Index Kandang Kerbau (Singapore)   
Index Merapoh (Pahang)   
Index R.A.F. Base S.O. (Singapore)   
Index Seletar (Singapore)   
Index Tanjong Pagar (Singapore)   
Index Tebing Tinggi (Pahang)   
Index Sungei Ujong (Negri Sembilan): CDS   
Index Tampin (Negri Sembilan): CDS   
Index Seremban (Negri Sembilan): CDS   
Index Port Dickson (Negri Sembilan): CDS   
Index Negri Sembilan   
Index Negri Sembilan Post Office   
Index Kuala Pilah (Negri Sembilan): Oval date stamp   
Index Jelebu (Negri Sembilan): CDS   
Index Bar cancellations: On Negri Sembilan stamps   
Index Bar cancellations: 8 bars   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Postmarks: Oval types   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Postmarks: To 1900   
Index PERAK: Postage stamps: 1965 Orchid issue, Missing colours   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1965 Airport: Varieties   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1965 Orchids (all states)   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1965 Orchids (all states): Missing colours   
Index MALAYSIA: Post offices and agencies   
Index PAHANG: Postmarks: To 1900   
Index Benta (Pahang)   
Index Mawai (Johore)   
Index Masai (Johore)   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Ricardo, C.D. Obituary   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Malaya Study Group: Financial statement   
Index Air mails: Wearne’s Air Services   
Index Air mails: Cachets   
Index Air mails: First flights checklist   
Index Air mails: 1936-1942: Internal mails   
Index Air mails: 1936-1942: Checklist   
Index Air mails: 1936-1942: To and from Asia   
Index Air mails: 1936-1942: To and from Australasia   
Index Air mails: 1936-1942: To and from UK   
Index Air mails: 1936-1942: To and from USA   
Index Air mails: Postage rates: 1936-39   
Index Salvaged Mail (Cachet)   
Index Damaged by seawater (Cachet)   
Index Singapore: Airmails: 1931-40   
Index Air mails: Postage rates: 1945-46   
Index Air mails: Flying boats   
Index Air mails: 1945-1960   
Index Air mails: BOAC   
Index Air mails: Malayan Airways   
Index Air mails: Qantas   
Index Air mails: Bharat Airways   
Index Air mails: Air India   
Index Air mails: Crashes   
Index Air mails: 1961-1976   
Index Air mails: Thai International   
Index Australian forces in Malaya: Air letters   
Index Air mails: Postage rates: 1950-55   
Index Air letters: Surcharges 1954   
Index Aerial propaganda leaflets   
Index Air mails: Postage rates: 1940-42   
Index JOHORE: Postal stationery: Aerogrammes   
Index Bagan Datoh (Perak)   
Index Grit (Perak)   
Index Janing (Perak)   
Index Salak North (Perak)   
Index Langkap (Perak)   
Index Larut (Perak)   
Index Simpang (Perak)   
Index Thaiping‑Larut (Perak)   
Index Ulu Yam (Selangor)   
Index Simpang Empat B.N.O. (Selangor)   
Index Station Street K.L. (Selangor)   
Index Sungei Pelong (Selangor)   
Index Kubu Gajah (Perak)   
Index Kuala Kubu (Selangor)   
Index Carey Island (Selangor)   
Index PENANG: Postage stamps: 1965 Orchids   
Index MALAYSIA: Postmarks: Skeleton types   
Index Bruas (Perak)   
Index Ayer Bemban (Johore)   
Index Jalan Weld Kuala Lumpur (Selangor)   
Index Jerteh (Trengganu)   
Index Jeneri (Kedah)   
Index Kampong Haji Ghaffar (Johore)   
Index Kampong Sri Menanti (Johore)   
Index Krambit (Pahang)   
Index Kuala Kemaman (Trengganu)   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Mobile post office: CDS   
Index Kuala Selangor (Selangor): Mobile post office CDS   
Index Kuantan (Pahang): Mobile post office   
Index McNair Street (Penang)   
Index Pendamaran (Selangor)   
Index Petaling Jaya (Selangor)   
Index Pitt Street, Penang (Penang): CDS   
Index Parit (Perak)   
Index Tanjong Sepat (Selangor)   
Index Simpang Lima (Selangor)   
Index Segari (Perak)   
Index Ringlet (Pahang): CDS   
Index PERAK: Postage stamps: 1957 Pictorials   
Index Offset varieties   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1957 Pictorials   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1961 Pictorials: Offset varieties   
Index Postage stamps: : 1962/66 Pictorials: Coil stamps   
Index Postage stamps: : Coil stamps   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1960 Pictorial issue   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957/60 Pictorial issue (all states): Coil stamps   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957/60 Pictorial issue (all states): Offset varieties   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957 National issue: 30c offset   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1891/94 Aboubakar issue: Essays and proofs   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1903 3c and 10c overprints.   
Index Johore Bahru (Johore): CDS   
Index Johor (in red circle)   
Index Johore Bahru (Johore): Dead Letter Office cancellation   
Index Bagan Bukit Tambun (Penang)   
Index Butterworth (Penang)   
Index Bukit Tambun (Penang)   
Index Bukit Tambun (Penang): CDS   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Butterworth, William John   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Donadieu, M.   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Swettenham, Frank   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: History: To 1850   
Index SELANGOR: History to 1900   
Index Bandar (Selangor)   
Index Jugra (Selangor)   
Index Jugra (Selangor): CDS   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: Use in other states and countries: Malayan States   
Index KEDAH: Federated Malay States stamps used   
Index KEDAH: History   
Index KEDAH: : 1890-19   
Index KEDAH: Straits Settlements stamps used   
Index KEDAH: Postal history: To 1912   
Index Books and Journals: Melville, Frederick John. Siam, its posts and postage stamps. London : Stamp Collector's Fortnightly, 1906.   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: Use in Kedah   
Index Pulau Aman (Penang)   
Index Kuala Pahang (Pahang): CDS   
Index Kuala Rompin (Pahang)   
Index Temerloh (Pahang): CDS   
Index Ulu Pahang (Pahang): CDS   
Index KELANTAN: Post offices and agencies: Checklist   
Index MALACCA: Post offices and agencies, Checklists   
Index KEDAH: Post offices and agencies: Checklists   
Index JOHORE: Post offices and agencies: Checklists   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Post offices and agencies, To 1939: Checklists   
Index PAHANG: Post offices and agencies, 1890‑1939: Checklists   
Index PENANG: Post offices and agencies: Checklist   
Index For postal stationery associated with a stamp issue: Post offices and agencies: Checklists   
Index Kampong Tanjong Gemok (Pahang)   
Index Kampong Kong Kong (Johore)   
Index TRENGGANU: Post offices and agencies: Checklist   
Index Bukit Selambau (Trengganu)   
Index Kepala Batas (Kedah)   
Index Kampong Telok Kepayang (Perak)   
Index Geylang (Singapore)   
Index Jalan Othman (Selangor)   
Index Huat Choe Village (Singapore)   
Index Kuala Pontian (Pahang)   
Index Pokok Asam (Perak)   
Index Postal stationery: Bibliography   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: History, To 1900: Bibliography   
Index Forgeries, Bibliography   
Index Sungei Penchala (Selangor)   
Index Siglap (Singapore)   
Index Siliau (Negri Sembilan)   
Index Books and Journals: Nordenvall, Birger. Neues handbuch der Briefmarkenkunde. Wernfeld uber Gemunden/Main : Karl Bald.: -- Heft 10: Federated Malay States.   
Index Books and Journals: Nordenvall, Birger. Neues handbuch der Briefmarkenkunde. Wernfeld uber Gemunden/Main : Karl Bald.: -- Heft 15: Negri Sembilan / with Karl Kurt Wolter   
Index Books and Journals: Nordenvall, Birger. Neues handbuch der Briefmarkenkunde. Wernfeld uber Gemunden/Main : Karl Bald.: -- Heft 16: Sungei Ujong / with Karl Kurt Wolter   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Newspaper stamps   
Index Phantoms   
Index Cancelled Tank Road (Singapore)   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1966 Postage dues   
Index PERAK: Postmarks: -1945   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Postmarks   
Index Ayer Tawah (Perak)   
Index Bar cancellations: Used in 1945   
Index Kuala Kangsar (Perak): CDS   
Index Kampar (Perak): CDS   
Index Padang Rengas (Perak)   
Index Lumut (Perak): CDS   
Index Sitiawan (Perak)   
Index Teluk Anson (Perak): CDS Squared circle: Teluk   
Index Tanjong Tualong (Perak)   
Index Trong (Perak)   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Postmarks: 1945‑   
Index SELANGOR: Postmarks   
Index PAHANG: Postmarks: 1945‑   
Index PENANG: Postmarks   
Index Layang Layang (Johore)   
Index Panchor (Johore)   
Index Sepang (Selangor)   
Index Gemas (Negri Sembilan)   
Index Tanah Rata (Perak)   
Index Sungei Gadut (Negri Sembilan)   
Index Sungei Lembing (Pahang)   
Index Sungei Buloh, Jeram (Selangor)   
Index Sungei Besi (Selangor)   
Index Semenyih (Selangor)   
Index Sentul (Selangor)   
Index Station Street K.L. (Selangor): CDS   
Index Triang (Pahang)   
Index Bentong (Pahang): CDS   
Index Bukit Rotan (Selangor)   
Index Batu Tiga, Jalan Klang (Selangor)   
Index Batu Road (Selangor)   
Index Batu Laut (Selangor)   
Index Batu Pahat (Johore): CDS   
Index Batu Arang (Selangor)   
Index Batu Caves (Selangor)   
Index Klang (Selangor): CDS   
Index Kepong (Selangor)   
Index Jeram (Selangor)   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): CDS: Double circle type   
Index Kapar (Selangor)   
Index Ipoh (Perak): CDS   
Index Kajang (Selangor)   
Index Serendah (Selangor)   
Index Sabak Bernam (Selangor)   
Index Port Dickson (Negri Sembilan): CDS: Double circle   
Index Rasa (Selangor)   
Index Rawang (Selangor)   
Index Raub (Pahang): CDS: Double circle   
Index Parit Buntar (Perak): CDS   
Index Puchong (Selangor)   
Index Pudu (Selangor)   
Index Port Swettenham (Selangor): CDS   
Index Malacca: CDS: Double circle type   
Index Mentakab (Pahang)   
Index Kuala Pilah (Negri Sembilan): CDS: Double circle   
Index Kuantan (Pahang): CDS   
Index Kuala Selangor (Selangor): CDS   
Index Kuala Lipis (Pahang): CDS   
Index Kuala Kubu (Selangor): CDS: Double circle   
Index MALACCA: Postmarks   
Index Merlimau (Malacca)   
Index Muar (Johore): CDS   
Index Rembau (Negri Sembilan)   
Index Jasin (Malacca)   
Index Kluang (Johore), CDS   
Index Asahan (Malacca)   
Index Alor Gajah (Malacca), CDS   
Index Benut (Johore)   
Index Tapah (Perak): CDS   
Index Tangkak (Johore)   
Index Segamat (Johore)   
Index Ulu Bernam (Perak)   
Index Yong Peng (Johore)   
Index Senai (Johore)   
Index Senggerang (Johore)   
Index Bekok (Johore)   
Index Rengam (Johore)   
Index Scudai (Johore)   
Index Paloh (Johore)   
Index Mersing (Johore)   
Index Labis (Johore)   
Index MALAYSIA: Postal development   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1966 Agong   
Index PERAK: Postage stamps: 1884/90 PERAK overprints on 2c rose: Overprint varieties   
Index PERAK: Postage stamps: 1886/90 One Cent Perak ovpts.: Double overprint   
Index SUNGEI UJONG: Postage stamps: 1878 Crescent and star ovpt.   
Index Ijok (Perak)   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Indian: FPO 145   
Index Pagoh (Johore)   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: 1942‑46   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: Japanese stamps used   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Revenue stamps: Johore stamps overprinted   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postal history: Johore   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postal history: Kedah   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postal stationery   
Index KELANTAN: Postal history: 1942‑45   
Index KEDAH: Postal history: 1942‑45   
Index JOHORE: Postal history: Japanese Occupation   
Index SELANGOR: Postal history   
Index PERAK: Postal history: 1942‑45   
Index TRENGGANU: Postal history: 1942‑45   
Index Cucub (Johore): Crescent and star postmark   
Index Loonchu (Johore)   
Index JOHORE: Postmarks: Crown type   
Index JOHORE: Postmarks: Star and crescent types   
Index Philatelic exhibitions   
Index MALAYSIA: Land development schemes   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1965 SEAP Games   
Index Land Development schemes 1966   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1903 50c and $1 overprints   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1966 Penang Free School   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1912/23 KGV Multiple Crown CA wmk: Keyplate doubling   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1892 ONE CENT overprints: Overprint settings   
Index Penang: Cancellations, Duplex: Straight line (Boxed)   
Index Singapore: Cachets, Buy British: Singapore P.P. in circle   
Index Numeral postmarks, Number in circle: Diamond of dots: Checklist of numbers   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1965 Birds   
Index Books and Journals: Kugahara Stamp Co. Japanese Occupation of Malaya (Japanese). Tokyo. Kugahara, 1948.   
Index Books and Journals: Hsu, Yun Ts’iao. The postage stamps of Japanese occupied Malaya. Singapore: South Seas Society, 1948.   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Districts 3   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Double line chops: Forgeries   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Double line chops   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Double line chops: Types   
Index Postage stamps: : 1962/66 Pictorials   
Index MALAYAN POSTAL UNION: 1965 10c on 8c   
Index Ships: Rainbow   
Index Rainbow Stamped Malacca   
Index Books and Journals: Boggs, Winthrop S. and Strange, Arnold M. Foundations of philately. Princeton,NJ: Van Nostrand, 1955.   
Index Censor markings, World War 2: Forces   
Index Censor markings, World War 2: Forces: RAF marks   
Index Censor markings, World War 2: Forces: British   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: kThai‑Burma railway   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Prisoner of war mails: Inwards mails   
Index Rantau (Negri Sembilan)   
Index Kuala Kurau (Perak)   
Index Brickfields (Selangor)   
Index Batang Berjuntai (Selangor)   
Index Kuala Klawang (Negri Sembilan), CDS   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1961 Installation   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1961 Installation: Double Sultan variety   
Index Postage stamps: : 1962/66 Pictorials: Missing colours   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Postage stamps: 1965 Orchids   
Index PAHANG: Postage stamps: 1965 Orchids   
Index PENANG: Postage stamps: 1960 Pictorials   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957 Independence issue   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1966 National Monument   
Index KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1965 Orchids   
Index Kampong Masjid (Pahang)   
Index Pantai Remis (Perak)   
Index Postage Paid Malacca   
Index Malacca: CDS: Japanese occupation   
Index Malacca   
Index Malacca: CDS: Postage paid   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Single line chops   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Malacca chop overprints